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Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis Applied Research Center.

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1 Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis Applied Research Center

2 Study last conducted Spring 2008 Implemented in 1979 Currently conducted every other year Purpose of Study: Assess student satisfaction Measure educational effectiveness Identify areas for improvement University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

3 UW-Stout Alumni Who Graduated in the Year 2002 Five years after graduation 423 responded out of 1,381 surveys sent (31% response) UW-Stout Alumni Who Graduated in the Year 2006 One year after graduation 525 responded out of 1,513 surveys sent (35% response) University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

4 Types of Questions: Forty-four Likert-scale questions & three qualitative questions Personal development in skill areas Preparation for employment Satisfaction with employment Quality of education at UW-Stout Effectiveness of programs at UW-Stout Current employment information University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

5 Means for all Likert questions with t-test or ANOVA analysis (Student- Newman-Keuls post hoc test). Representative themes were developed for comments to qualitative questions. University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

6 Trends back to 1979 University-level data shared with leadership group for decision-making Program data provided to program director for program improvement University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

7 Alumni received: Postcard to watch for survey in near future Survey packet mailed with letter from Chancellor option given to complete survey on web or return in business-reply envelope Additional postcard sent to non-respondents as reminder Survey packet sent again to non-respondents Employer survey sent to employers of alumni University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

8 Letter from Chancellor Undergraduate or graduate survey Program specific survey (if available) Business-reply envelope University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis Alumni Survey Packets Included :

9 Undergraduates Mean ( 5 pt. scale) If you had it to do over again, would you attend UW-Stout? 4.3 How important UW-Stout was in contributing to: Working in teams4.2 Leadership4.1 Availability of faculty in program courses4.2 Graduates Mean ( 4 pt. scale) If you had it to do over again, would you attend UW-Stout? 3.6 Education at UW-Stout prepared me to consider the ethics of my profession 3.5 Availability of faculty in program courses3.5 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

10 Undergraduates Mean ( 5 pt. scale) Value of senior year course work activities in developing: Preparation for community, civic and political roles 3.2 Financial management3.0 How important UW-Stout was in contributing to appreciating: The value of literature3.2 History in context to current issues3.2 Graduates Mean ( 4 pt. scale) How well co-curricular and extra-curricular activities prepared me for employment 2.8 Education experience at UW-Stout prepared me to: Utilize computing and digital technology2.8 View community service as my social responsibility 2.8 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

11 One- and five-year responses from 2008 study were compared. Significant Findings Undergraduates 2002 Graduates (5 Yrs After Grad) 2006 Graduates (1 Yr After Grad) How did Stout contribute to: Writing effectively3.7*3.6 Creative problem solving4.0*3.9 Rate aspects of education: General educ. instruction3.6*3.5 Program instruction4.0*3.8 Availability of faculty in gen. ed. courses3.8*3.6 Availability of faculty in program courses4.2*4.0 Course availability (according to program sequence)4.0*3.8 Lab facilities and equipment3.8*3.7 Digital environment3.63.8* * Statistically higher ratings University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

12 One-, three-, and five-year responses from alumni who graduated in 2000 were compared. Significant Findings Undergraduates of 2000 Spring 2006 Survey Spring 2004 Survey Spring 2000 Survey 5 Yrs After Graduation 3 Yrs After Graduation 1 Yr After Graduation Importance of experience at Stout contributing to: Organizing information 3.84.0* Rate aspects of education: General educ. instruction3.64.1*3.6* Program instruction4.04.2*4.1 Availability of faculty in general educ. courses 3.74.1* Would you enroll in the same program3.83.94.1* * Statistically higher ratings University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

13 Additional results from the 2008 study can be found at: University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

14 Went through Lean Process December 2008 Learned the concepts of Administrative Lean (benefits of one piece flow & elimination of waste) Brought different areas together on campus Mailroom, alumni office, program director Identified efficiencies University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

15 Why did we do this... Reduce process Lead Time Get a better handle on end user due dates Better defined customer requirements Understand how better to schedule work to meet due dates (don’t fall behind) Identify potential technological solutions (automation) University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

16 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis Current State vs. Future State Large Process Smaller Process

17 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

18 * Current state was under-estimated on actual time it has taken to complete the process. University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis Project Metrics & Goals MetricCurrentFuture Net Improvement Lead Time269.5 days*247 days22.5 days Process Time67.6 days23.8 days43.7 days % Complete & Accurate 12.4%95%82.6% # of Process Steps322012

19 Reduced Process Time by 60% or 20,000 minutes Converted paper surveys to electronic Reduced the # of copies Potential cost reduction for assembly of mailing Better connect Alumni with Stout University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

20 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis Program specific results available in a more timely fashion More time available to write the final report Potential to eliminate the mailing if online response rate is high enough.

21 More involvement of program directors Developed webpage with helpful information Instructions for developing program specific survey Examples of other program specific surveys Timeline of study Give updates throughout process Request any e-mail addresses they might have Ask to follow up with non-respondents Timeline better aligns with program directors’ needs University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

22 All surveys, including program specifics, put on-line Use “Alumni Finder” to locate accurate alumni e-mail addresses Developed step-by-step process for paper survey mailing Developed “gateway” on web so alumni are given correct survey University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

23 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

24 Alumni received: Postcard with short web address to access survey Two additional postcards sent later to non- respondents If still no response, actual survey packet sent through the mail University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

25 Comments? Questions? University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis

26 University of Wisconsin - Stout Budget, Planning & Analysis Contact info: Conducting Applied Research for Decision-Making Services provided include: Benchmark surveys Customized surveys On-site presentation of research results Formulation and implementation of data-based action plan Design & implementation of faculty development workshops Data sharing in higher educational research (PolyDASHER)

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