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Text analysis “My heart leaps up” Approaching Literary Genres p. 38 Millennium.

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1 Text analysis “My heart leaps up” Approaching Literary Genres p. 38 Millennium

2 FOCUS ON THE MEANING 1.What sight moves the poet? The sight of a rainbow in the sky. 2. Highlight in yellow the expressions that indicate the periods of his life the poet refers to in the poem. What are they? He refers to:  childhood (“when my life began”, line 3)  adulthood (“now I am a man” line 4)  old age (“when I shall grow old” line 5). 3.What does the poet mean by the expression highlighted in blue ? Give reasons for your choice/s:  The child and the man are the same thing  There is a natural progression from child to man  The emotions felt as a child last forever. This line (“The Child is Father of the Man” line 7) is very complex. All of the three meanings are acceptable: – “The child and the man are the same thing” means that the identity of child and man is the same. They are not something different in nature. – “There is a a natural progression from child to man” means that, contrary to the usual approach (the man is the father of the child), the child is the starting point and man develops out of child. – “The emotions felt as a child last forever” means that the emotional life of man is created and developed by his experiences as a child

3 4.What is the poet’s final wish? He wishes to be able to live a life unified by “natural piety” (line 9), that is to say, he feels a sense of belonging to nature, and therefore he loves and respects it. the theme of contact with nature is central to Romanticism. FOCUS ON THE LINE LENGTH 5.Look up the underlined words in a dictionary and divide them into syllables. a.behold be / hold b.rainbow rain / bow c.began be / gan d.Father Fa / ther e.natural nat / u / ral f.piety pi / e / ty

4 6.Look at the syllable division indicated in the first line (/) to complete the division into sillables of the poem’s lines. 6.My / heart / leaps / up / when / I / be / hold (8 syllables) A / rain / bow / in / the / sky: (6 syllables) So / was / it / when / my / life / be / gan; (8 syllables) So / is / it / now / I / am / a / man, (8 syllables) So / be / it / when / I / shall / grow / old, (8 syllables) Or / let / me / die! (4 syllables) The / child / is / Fa / ther / of / the / Man; (8 syllables) And / I / could / wish / my / days / to / be (8 syllables) Bound / each / to / each / by / nat / u / ral / pi / e / ty (11 syllables) 7.The lines of the poem have a different number of syllables. Write it for each line. a.Which is the shortest line? b.Which is the longest? ‒The shortest line is line 6 ‒The longest line is line 9.

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