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By William Evans. What IN THE WORLD is A.I A.I stands for Artificial Intelligence, or pretty much man made intellect. A.I is a term brought up by John.

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Presentation on theme: "By William Evans. What IN THE WORLD is A.I A.I stands for Artificial Intelligence, or pretty much man made intellect. A.I is a term brought up by John."— Presentation transcript:

1 By William Evans

2 What IN THE WORLD is A.I A.I stands for Artificial Intelligence, or pretty much man made intellect. A.I is a term brought up by John McCarthy who defined it as The science and engineering of making intelligent machines. in 1959.

3 General Description Many people may view mechanical thought as some magic process that just happens and its frightening…or interesting, but really A.I copies what living things do they just take for granted. Its a system of input, commands, and output. Kind of like tons of IF Then statements. If this happens then do this … of course that is not how machines are programmed there is much more to it. It works in terms of say its cold outside you put a coat on similar to that. So really A.I it self isnt the all impressive thing its the mechanics and connecting of the two put together that is impressive.

4 History of A.I, myths of A.I The thought of machines thinking has been around for thousands of years even back in the times in the times of ancient Greek mythology. Where there were tales of mechanical golems coming to life and being like men. Around the 1950s is when any type of modern A.I research began, and it was not until after computers were made could any real ideas of artificial intelligence could be tested.

5 Myths Continued Just to give an idea of A.I people can relate to Frankenstein is another type of A.I myth. Some more recent ones would be in movies such as I robot where a robot gains the ability to feel and leads the rest of the robots to be like him and fight. The Terminator series of movies was much like that as well where SkyNet was a software system that the military made to protect and in desperation they put it in control and it turned on them to kill all humans to get rid of any potential threat to it. Another popular example is Transformers

6 Everyday A.I Use The A.I outside of movies Many of todays vehicles use a type of A.I due to many new age vehicles that monitor gas usage, oil, and other fluids along with mechanical properties of the engine are tested and varied by a computer, well several computers. Many games use a form of A.I to make the game more realistic, and in some cases predict what the players next action will be to counter act it.

7 Levels of A.I Optimal – Can not be any better Strong-Super Human – much better than human Super Human – better than human Sub Human – less than human

8 Ethics A serious thing to consider with A.I is the ethics of it all. If we give a machine the ability to think, one day will it feel? If so look at all the things done today …would we really want a machine to copy the actions of a increasingly immoral society. In theory the machine could become just like a good person, or just like a bad person. I believe that A.I is interesting and in some cases necessary, but as to everything there can be too much of it where it is bad. If you think about it, in the future these stories and myths could become reality. All of our technology has a chance to falter, and if that happened to a machine that could think, and at that was a super human grade A.I …what would happen then. It is nothing to have nightmares over but it is definitely something to consider.

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