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10: 25-37. One day, a lawyer asked Jesus a question. “I know that God’s law says I should love my neighbour, but who is my neighbour?” Jesus told him.

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Presentation on theme: "10: 25-37. One day, a lawyer asked Jesus a question. “I know that God’s law says I should love my neighbour, but who is my neighbour?” Jesus told him."— Presentation transcript:

1 10: 25-37

2 One day, a lawyer asked Jesus a question. “I know that God’s law says I should love my neighbour, but who is my neighbour?” Jesus told him this parable.

3 A man was walking to Jericho when some robbers beat him and left him to die.

4 As he lay in the road, a priest passed him by and did not stop to help. Another man, who was a helper in the temple, also walked past and did nothing.

5 The next person to come along was a Samaritan man. He cleaned the man’s wounds and lifted him up onto his donkey.

6 The Samaritan man cared for the injured man all through the night. In the morning he had to leave, but he gave the innkeeper two silver coins and asked him to take care of the injured man until his return.

7 The holy men had decided not to help the injured man. It was the Samaritan man who had been kind and helpful. The lawyer now understood that ‘loving his neighbour’ meant that he should treat everyone as he would like to be treated.

8 Animations available from Story illustrations ©Zonderkidz, 2005 Presentation by Bev Evans, 2008

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