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Using Ontologies in the Development of an Innovating System for Elderly People Tele-Assistance URL:

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Presentation on theme: "Using Ontologies in the Development of an Innovating System for Elderly People Tele-Assistance URL:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Ontologies in the Development of an Innovating System for Elderly People Tele-Assistance URL:

2 Outline  Goal  System architecture  Domain Ontology. MedOnt  Operational ontology. OperOnt  Conclusions  Future Work

3 Goal of the system To provide high quality assistance to elderly people, giving them more freedom and protection. This system uses agent technology, semantic web technology and personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with wireless communications.

4 Our Proposal  AINGERU: –offers an active assistance by using agents that behave in face of anomalous situations; –offers an anywhere and anytime assistance by using wireless communications and PDAs; and, –allows to monitor vital signs by using sensors that capture the values of those signus and feed a decision support system that analyzes them and generates an alarm when necessary.

5 System Architecture

6 Main elements of the system  Two logic-based Ontologies MedOnt : Domain Ontology OperOnt: Operational Ontology  Software Agents They help to manage the distributed and heterogeneous framework They can accomplish tasks autonomously and can interact with other agents  Web Services Allow relatives and physicians related to a monitored person to consult data about user appointments, medicines taken etc.

7 MedOnt. Goal  to describe the different situations in which a medical alarm has to be activated In this ontology are described the different symptoms that a user can have, with respect to Vital Constants that several sensors can monitor, and also the usual illnesses that elderly people suffer from.

8 MedOnt. Main features This ontology can be customized for every user. That is, this ontology can be easily adapted to different users depending on their own situation. This ontology is being developed by experts (so far we only have a small prototype). Described using OWL




12 OperOnt. Goal  We wanted a specification of the system that would facilitate: 1. The interoperability of AINGERU 2. The understanding of AINGERU features by external actors 3. The AINGERU evolution String  XML (DTD  XML Schema)  DAML+OIL (OWL)  Ontología OperOnt: To describe the operational model of AINGERU

13 OperOnt. Main features  The concepts in this ontology are defined independently from any agent system implementation, so that it helps interoperability among agents without pre-defined agreements.  At the same time, the OperOnt ontology describes contextual information that several agents are able to share (understanding).  This ontology is easily extensible as the functionality of AINGERU increases (evolution)

14 OperOnt. Steps to arrive to it  Branches: –Actor (Human agents, Software agents, Web services) –Message (according to their functionality in FIPA) –Subject (terms about the topic in which the message is centered)

15 OperOnt. Decription

16 OperOnt. Description

17 OperOnt. Decription


19 Wait Assert(OperOnt,m1) Message m1 m1 1 1

20 M1  LocationQuery m1 1 1

21 Wait Assert(OperOnt,m1) L=GetLocation() Assert(OperOnt, Inform, subject.Location) Message m1 LocationQuery

22 M2  Inform. M2.theSubject  Location M2  LocationInform

23 LocationInform Inform-result M2  LocationInform  Inform-result

24 M2  LocationInform  Inform-result  Inform Inform

25 M2  LocationInform  Inform-result  Inform  Message <owl:Class rdf:about= "file:/C:/Aingeru/OperOnt/messages#Message"> Message <owl:onProperty rdf:resource= "file:/C:/Aingeru/OperOnt/messages#tryNumber"/> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource= ""/> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource= "file:/C:/Aingeru/OperOnt/messages#ident"/> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource= ""/>

26  Roles: –tryNumber – ident – theSender – theReceiver – theSubject –theInform –toWhich M2  LocationInform  Inform-result  Inform  Message

27 Wait Assert(OperOnt,m1) L=GetLocation() Assert(OperOnt, Inform, subject.Location) Send(m2) Message m1 LocationQueryLocationInform m2 1 m1 43º18’26’’, -2º0’41’’

28 Conclusions  AINGERU, gives one step forward in the direction of helping elderly people to increase their quality of life, by: – allowing the monitoring of people anywhere and anytime. –Moreover, this monitoring is reactive. In order to perform the detection process, the system uses an application domain ontology, MedOnt. –Another contribution of the system is the development and management of an operational ontology, OperOnt, that permits agents that take part in the system to communicate at a semantic level.

29 Future Work  At the system level –To add new functionalities to the system. To develop new agents. –To improve the users locatization system  At the ontologies level –To add new terms at both ontologies –To run a –DAM+OIL, OWL -reasoner system at the PDAs

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