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Inform * Educate * Entertain Dias Media Group 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Inform * Educate * Entertain Dias Media Group 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inform * Educate * Entertain Dias Media Group 2014

2 Inform * Educate * Entertain Ιστορία Το Συγκρότημα Οι Άνθρωποι Το Όραμα History The Group The People The Vision

3 Inform * Educate * Entertain Η Ιστορία του Οργανισμού  February the 3rd 1976 – Simerini newspaper first edition  May 1986 – First colour magazine ‘Π’  September 1990 – Radio Proto  April 1995 – Sigma broadcasts for first time  March 1997 – Radio Super  May 1997 – TV STAR History

4 Inform * Educate * Entertain 2000-2010 The Group launches new titles / brands: Time Out, Figaro, Harpers Bazaar, IN-Business CITY free press Sigma Sports Channel LOVE RADIO

5 Inform * Educate * Entertain Ιστορία Το Συγκρότημα Οι Άνθρωποι Το Όραμα History The Group The People The Vision

6 Inform * Educate * Entertain TOTAL EXPENDITURE-MEDIA MILLIONS 37.5%15.8%14.9%7.7% 6.4% 3.4%

7 Inform * Educate * Entertain

8 Events

9 Inform * Educate * Entertain SIGMA TV1 RADIO PROTO 1 SUPER FM 1 LOVE RADIO 2 ΜΑDAME FIGARO1 HARPER’S BAZAAR1 ΤΙΜΕ OUT 1 ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ 1 ΟΚ! 1 TΗΛΕΘΕΑΤΗΣ 1 ΣΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ 2 CITY 1 GALAXIAS1 ΜUSICAL PARADISE 1 * More than 20 products / services are not on this list Top Products Position in the market

10 Inform * Educate * Entertain Social Responsibility NGO’s –Fund Raising –Promotion (Communication Sponsorships) Environment –Energy Saving –Recycling –Tree Planting Culture –Theatre –Music –Sports Events Scholarships

11 Inform * Educate * Entertain Ιστορία Το Συγκρότημα Οι Άνθρωποι Το Όραμα History The Group The People The Vision

12 Inform * Educate * Entertain Long Term Success Ability to Learn and Adjust Systems & Technology Values People Vision / Strategy Structures / Operations Περιβάλλον Leadership Environment

13 Inform * Educate * Entertain Vision Lead the Media & Entertainment industries in Markets of operation

14 Inform * Educate * Entertain Mission Focus on the creation, aggregation and distribution of quality information, knowledge and entertainment content

15 Inform * Educate * Entertain Competencies Understand market evolution Innovate Evolve Relate with our audiences Connect with our customers

16 Inform * Educate * Entertain Values Fairness Respect Social responsibility Entrepreneurship

17 Inform * Educate * Entertain Ιστορία Το Συγκρότημα Οι Άνθρωποι Το Όραμα History The Group The People The Vision

18 Inform * Educate * Entertain Number: 500 Women / Men : 48% / 52% Average Age: 33 Higher Education : Above 50% Average Training Days per Employee : 2.5 Training Budget : 100,000+ Personnel

19 Inform * Educate * Entertain Structure Business Units –Newspapers –Magazines –Radios –Sigma TV –Web Support Units –HR –Finance –IT –Atelie

20 Inform * Educate * Entertain Atelie Support Units Επιχειρησιακές Μονάδες Ενημέρωση * Εκπαίδευση* Ψυχαγωγία

21 Inform * Educate * Entertain Levels of Hierarchy Management Committee Team Leaders

22 Inform * Educate * Entertain Main Roles of the HR Manager Consultant to the MD Business Partner Change Agent Coach Trainer

23 Inform * Educate * Entertain HR Strategy Management Systems –Hiring $ Staffing –Training & Development –Performance Mgt –Recognition Culture, Internal Communication Productivity Administration

24 Inform * Educate * Entertain HR Strategy Support Business Goals Aligned with business strategy Competencies Knowledge Branding Market

25 Inform * Educate * Entertain Hiring & Staffing Procedures The Market Competition Rotation Turnover

26 Inform * Educate * Entertain Training Culture –Learning mistakes –Learning Organization Induction Soft / Hard Skills Management / Leadership Development Selling Skills Technical

27 Inform * Educate * Entertain Training-2 The Game - Outdoor Activities In House / Outsource Coaching ROInvestment Evaluation

28 Inform * Educate * Entertain Performance Management 75% Training needs Feedback Systems Built by the team Responsibility of the BUM Self appraisal Management Team –Personal Goals –Connected with bonus schemes

29 Inform * Educate * Entertain Recognition Payments & Rewards Salaries, Bonuses, etc Benefits “Presents” Bravo Strokes Parties

30 Inform * Educate * Entertain Administration HRMS Personal Records Payroll Unions

31 Inform * Educate * Entertain Culture Culture Change Program Culture Breaker Creativity Vs Discipline Why People Stay Relations Audits

32 Inform * Educate * Entertain Challenges of today Financial “Crisis” Change Management Digitization Succession …

33 Inform * Educate * Entertain Discussion Questions 1. Identify and Explain the core competencies that Dias Media Group has built. What is the source of its core competencies? 2. Identify Dias Media Group’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 3. How has Dias Media Group’s strategy created a competitive edge for the company in its markets? How does the company sustain its competitive edge? 4. What suggestions can you offer for ensuring that Dias Media Group maintains its competitive edge?

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