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Using LibQUAL+ to Develop Accountability with Key Stakeholders Raynna Bowlby Based upon presentation made w/co-presenter Dan O’Mahony (Brown U. Library)

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Presentation on theme: "Using LibQUAL+ to Develop Accountability with Key Stakeholders Raynna Bowlby Based upon presentation made w/co-presenter Dan O’Mahony (Brown U. Library)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using LibQUAL+ to Develop Accountability with Key Stakeholders Raynna Bowlby Based upon presentation made w/co-presenter Dan O’Mahony (Brown U. Library) at Library Assessment Conference, September 26, 2006

2 Using Measures to Demonstrate Accountability… Collect & Analyze (Baseline) Data Identify Measures Inform Stakeholders Refine Measures Collect & Analyze Data Inform Stakeholders Make Decisions (e.g. Resource Allocation) Measure Effects of Decisions

3 1.Has the quality and quantity of faculty scholarship improved? 2.Has the quality of the experience of the undergraduate improved? 3.Has the quality of the Graduate School improved? 4.Have we achieved needed infrastructure improvements to support academic work? University Strategic Plan Overall goals to assess:

4 Provide appropriate library support for faculty and students in all fields of study, with particular focus on ensuring resources for new fields of study. Make libraries more accessible and more responsive to students’ needs for varying types of space for study and collaborative work. Library’s Strategic Priorities Enhancing the quality of our facilities, infrastructure & administrative support:

5 Measuring Library Success toward University Strategic Plan Preliminary List of Library Indicators: Peer standing in external rankings. Measured by the relative position of satisfaction ratings and other measures/indexes of the library in relation to peer institutions (Association of Research Libraries, American Association of Health Sciences Libraries, and other groups): ARL statistics Expectation: We should see a rise in Brown’s position in the ARL Index. We should see improvements in Brown’s mean satisfaction scores for Library services and quality in comparison with peer institutions. Satisfaction of Library users. Measured by survey results of faculty and students' satisfaction with the Library's collections, services, and physical facilities: LibQUAL+ data, OIR surveys Expectation: We should see increases in perceived levels of service and satisfaction ratings by all Library user groups. Student self-assessments. Measured by surveys that ask students to assess the impact the Library has had on their educational experience and on their confidence/skill level in doing library research and finding information resources: OIR surveys, “exit” surveys, LibQUAL+ outcomes data Expectation: We should see increases in students’ ratings of these areas.

6 2002 20052002200520022005 Affect of ServiceInformation ControlLibrary as Place Expectations & Perception of Service Levels Comparison of 2002 and 2005 LibQUAL data

7 Measuring Library Success Toward University Strategic Plan Preliminary List of Library Indicators: Peer standing in external rankings. Measured by the relative position of satisfaction ratings and other measures/indexes of the library in relation to peer institutions (Association of Research Libraries, American Association of Health Sciences Libraries, and other groups): ARL statistics Expectation: We should see a rise in Brown’s position in the ARL Index. We should see improvements in Brown’s mean satisfaction scores for Library services and quality in comparison with peer institutions. Satisfaction of Library users. Measured by survey results of faculty and students' satisfaction with the Library's collections, services, and physical facilities: LibQUAL+ data, OIR surveys Expectation: We should see increases in perceived levels of service and satisfaction ratings by all Library user groups. Student self-assessments. Measured by surveys that ask students to assess the impact the Library has had on their educational experience and on their confidence/skill level in doing library research and finding information resources: OIR surveys, “exit” surveys, LibQUAL+ outcomes data Expectation: We should see increases in students’ ratings of these areas.

8 User Self-Assessments Library Outcomes (2005 LibQUAL data)

9 Using Measures to Demonstrate Accountability… Collect & Analyze (Baseline) Data Identify Measures Inform Stakeholders Refine Measures Collect & Analyze Data Inform Stakeholders Make Decisions (e.g. Resource Allocation) Measure Effects of Decisions

10 Stakeholder Accountability Matrix Stakeholder"Stake" Relationship & Communication with the Library Interest in Indicators Provost Ensure University progress & success; ensure effective Library management & utilization of resources, & alignment with University's strategic plan Direct dialogue via University Librarian; Inform indirectly through OIR All key indicators at broad level University-wide Resource Allocation Committee Determine allocation/reallocation of financial resources Inform directly via annual written budget request and oral presentation Interested in indicators at more detailed level, particularly those related to financial aspects of the Library and measures related to specific University strategic plan goals Office of Institutional Research Ensure that indicators measure University's progress vis-a-vis the strategic plan Inform directly; work collaboratively to identify, develop, & refine appropriate measures; OIR assists in analyses & presentation of indicators Variety of indicators, especially those at broad level Trustees Committees Determine academic priorities & programs, with recommendations to the full Board of Trustees; direct the President, Provost, & others to enact; monitor progress Inform indirectly via Provost; receive regular reports from the University administration containing assessment information on agreed-upon measures of academic quality All key indicators at broad level Advisory Council on the Library Advise the President Inform directly, 2-3 times per year; opportunity to build understanding ARL size data, especially expenditures; LibQUAL+ satisfaction, especially students; space/facilities


12 Marine Biological Laboratories Woods Hole Brain Science Program Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

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