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In Resourcing Personalisation Overall Objectives It is not about More money ICT 1:1 teaching Getting away from the standards agenda It is about Re thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "In Resourcing Personalisation Overall Objectives It is not about More money ICT 1:1 teaching Getting away from the standards agenda It is about Re thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 in Resourcing Personalisation Overall Objectives It is not about More money ICT 1:1 teaching Getting away from the standards agenda It is about Re thinking roles in the school Re thinking what resources you have and how they are prioritised and deployed Focusing on the learner Focusing on skills for the 5Rs Debunking some of the myths Bedfordshire LA Bolton LA Bridgemary Community Sports College Cornwallis Academy Cramlington School Crosshall Junior School De Ferrers Technology College Homewood School Hugh Christie Technology College Hollingworth Business & Enterprise College Invicta Grammar School John Cabot Academy Leasowes Community College Open University/NAGTY Southernway Schools Federation The Bridge Academy The Inclusion Trust Thomas Hardye School Villiers High School Wildern School 1 I first became worried about my son at primary school, and raised the alarm there. He was falling behind with reading and writing, and although he was described as below average by an SEN teacher, they felt there was no cause for concern. I was sure he needed extra help and even went to my GP, but because there were many children who were viewed as worse off than him, nothing was done, and no proper assessment was made. Lynettes Story 2 Within two weeks of starting secondary school, I was getting calls from teachers and he was spending more time in the corridor than he was in the classroom. The school kept threatening me that if I didnt take him out they would permanently exclude him. The Head of Year even said: "Ive washed my hands of him". 3 They said he should go to The Bridge Academy through a process called a managed move, and he is much happier here than in the mainstream. Here he isnt pushed to the side because he has learning difficulties. Before, although the school was very close, he would complain of headaches and not attend regularly. By contrast, he has to catch two buses to get to The Bridge Academy, and his attendance is good. He is so much more confident now, he doesnt have people on his back all the time and his reading level has gone up. He was not even at Level 3 and is now at Level 4/5 after eight months. The support of The Academy has made all the difference to him. 4 The Bridge Academy Online with a computer at home has been fantastic. When he couldnt do his homework before, he wouldnt let me help him, he would tear it up. On the first day we had the kit we worked for five hours together working things out. Now he wants to know everything, how to do this, how to do that, and it stops him going out on the street. Emerging Characteristics of Personalised Schools Assessment - New forms of just in time assessment - Personalised feedback - Link with mentoring Pupils taking ownership - Guidance – participation standards - Observing learning and student lesson observers - Students as a resource Engaging parents - Home access to ICT - Redefining homework and school work - Redefining role of teachers and how they work with parents supporting disadvantaged groups through home access to ICT, family - learning, diagnosing learning needs and mentoring Leading change -Training for teachers on 1:1 relationships, enquiry based learning, collapsing curriculum boundaries observing learning, personalised timetabling for students and staff to enable stage not age and extending learning opportunities in school, students as a resource for learning Skills for personalising learning -21st century skills – 5Rs Emerging Learning – 2020 Vision In partnership with Field Trial Sites Systemic innovation - Developing and making use of virtual worlds, national system of practitioners communicating with each other and innovating together - Supporting young people excluded or in danger of exclusion - Delivering ECM Focus on progress for every pupil - Diagnosing learning needs and learner characteristics - Motivational interviewing - Assessment for learning and personal goals Entitlement to personalising learning - Vision and characteristics of personalised schools - Tackling disadvantage - Bridging the gap Research - Personalising KS3 using freed time - Getting a flying start to KS3 through personalising KS2 and linking - Early start to KS4 - Learner characteristics Designing schools - How to personalise schools – enquiry bases, learning plazas, small group spaces – home like environments … investigates how schools might deploy their resources more effectively to support educational provision that meets the needs of all learners. Teachers and students are working together to design and use a range of resources to personalise learning and schools are radically changing the nature of their business from teacher led delivery models of education to personalised learner led models. The project explores the challenges and opportunities for schools in personalising learning – practitioner led innovation informing thinking on re-shaping education and resources around the needs of children and young people.

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