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Demonstrating value: Using JUSP to analyse, compare and inform Angela Conyers, Evidence Base 21 May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrating value: Using JUSP to analyse, compare and inform Angela Conyers, Evidence Base 21 May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstrating value: Using JUSP to analyse, compare and inform Angela Conyers, Evidence Base 21 May 2014


3 What does JUSP do? Supports libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e- journals collections to inform evaluation and decision-making processes Enables usage comparisons and trend analysis

4 JUSP Consortium

5 Some figures Libraries169 Publishers & intermediaries61 Journal titles21,106 Individual statistics in JUSP213 million Portal accesses to end April 201439,225 Reports run to end April 201476,352

6 If JUSP were no longer available…. “With a diverse and constantly changing e-resource portfolio, we really need some central system that will collate usage data and allow us to analyse it easily. We shouldn't be juggling 50-plus spread sheets to achieve this - which we would be doing without JUSP.” “I would not have time to do as much detailed analysis of our subscriptions, and this analysis is valuable at a time when our budget is tight and we are having to review our subscriptions carefully.” “It would take longer to harvest stats, which would impact on other development projects and potentially adversely affect collection management decisions.” (From JUSP community survey, 2013)

7 COUNTER reports JR1 (all) – number of successful full-text article requests per month and journal JR1a –number of successful full-text article requests from an archive by month and journal JR1 GOA –number of successful Gold Open Access full-text article requests by month and journal (COUNTER release 4)

8 JR1 (all)

9 JR1 GOA report

10 JR1 reports excluding backfile usage and GOA

11 SCONUL return: total usage for an academic year (1 Aug-31 July)

12 Annual summary of publisher use – calendar year

13 Total downloads Year-on-year comparison: example taken from University of Aberwystwyth

14 Cost per download Year-on-year comparison: example taken from University of Aberwystwyth

15 Trends over time –tables and graphs

16 Core titles in a deal Historic spend model : Retain existing core or subscribed titles at normal price: these titles will be unique to the institution Add unsubscribed titles to make up the deal or collection at a negotiated price for the whole package Limited cancellations or substitutions of core or subscribed titles may be allowed

17 Adding details of your core titles to JUSP 64 JUSP libraries are now marking up their core titles in JUSP The largest number of titles marked up for any one year is 4073 Work only has to be done once, JUSP can transfer core title lists to the following year Feedback has been very positive

18 Feedback “I attended a workshop recently which gave me further insight into using JUSP, I came straight back here and entered my core titles as a result of the workshop, and I intend to use JUSP more frequently now.” “Since the adding of the core subscriptions I will be able to do more reporting” “The ability to add local holdings is also very good, and I only wish I'd had all these publishers available last year when evaluating a deal!”

19 Displaying core titles Titles with the highest use

20 The approach at the OU Remove monthly columns and others not required Add in cost data Calculate cost per use Sort titles by number of requests Highlight titles – High use non-subscribed PINK – Low use subscribed ([core] in front of title) GREEN



23 Number of titles and requests in various usage ranges

24 E-journal Usage Use per Title per package: Number of titles per package with High usage (>= 100 downloads) Number of titles per package with Medium usage (11-99 downloads) Number of titles per package with Low usage (< 11 downloads) Number of titles with Zero usage

25 Usage ranges –trends over time: an example from Cranfield

26 View usage of titles and deals

27 Titles included in deals across multiple years

28 Compare two deals from one publisher

29 Supporting the JUSP community JUSP Community Advisory Group (CAG) Workshops & exercises Webinars Use cases Support materials: – guides to individual reports & features – ‘getting started’ guides for new users – FAQ Community area

30 Future/ongoing developments Extending range of publishers in JUSP Support for institutions (workshops, webinars) Ebooks pilot Counter 4 (accommodating R4, JR5) Interoperability (EBSCO, KB+, SUNCAT?) Usage profiling Website refresh Ensuring JUSP aligns with user requirements

31 For more information Find out more about JUSP: Give us your questions or comments: Helpdesk

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