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Chair Induction Seb Elsworth, Director of Strategy, ACEVO Using member research to inform the strategic planning process.

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Presentation on theme: "Chair Induction Seb Elsworth, Director of Strategy, ACEVO Using member research to inform the strategic planning process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chair Induction Seb Elsworth, Director of Strategy, ACEVO Using member research to inform the strategic planning process

2 Background Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) Est 1987 as “club” for CEOs to support each other Support, develop, connect and represent –Events, networking, –information, lobbying 2000 members

3 Why 2007? April 2008 – 2011 Strategic Plan to be developed 20 th anniversary Plateau in member numbers “Unengaged 2/3rds” - who/what/why? Budget available

4 Research approach Tender process Chose Elucidation –Qualitative telephone interviews –Quantitative postal survey –Follow up calls to ensure regional representation 25% response rate – good for a time poor audience

5 Findings Satisfaction – 50% Top 5 benefits members value the most: –Support & advice –ACEVO’s influencing role –Networking –Professional Development –Publications

6 Findings II Networking with CEOs from similar orgs top networking preference Seen as “London centric” by those outside of London Political agenda not embraced by all

7 What we did next Fed back internally Fed back to the Board with a plan of action Used findings in strategic planning process Fed back to the members through flyer addressed from Chair Used selected stats for press work

8 What changed? Internal & external focus on ‘support and advice’ services Secured funding for regional activity – 100 events a year outside of London Increased and focused on free special interest groups Invested in new website/database

9 Strategy development

10 Conclusion: the good Helpful exercise –Some new insights –Substantiated what we thought we knew Demonstrated to members they can input/we care Created a buzz/focus

11 Conclusion: the not so good Expensive to repeat regularly Can provide new questions: –What do you mean by “Support and advice?” Organisation changes rapidly, results offer a snapshot at x time.

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