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Art is beautiful Art is creative Art is visual Art is an expression Can you use all 4 words to come up with a sentence that can suitably define ART? ______________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Art is beautiful Art is creative Art is visual Art is an expression Can you use all 4 words to come up with a sentence that can suitably define ART? ______________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art is beautiful Art is creative Art is visual Art is an expression Can you use all 4 words to come up with a sentence that can suitably define ART? ______________________________________ Art is beautiful Art is creative Art is visual Art is an expression Can you use all 4 words to come up with a sentence that can suitably define ART? ______________________________________ DO NOW

2 The roles of Art in our society Circle or tick what you think the roles art are below: It beautifies, it commucates, it changes/improves life, it develops critical think, it fosters creativity, The roles of Art in our society Circle or tick what you think the roles art are below: It beautifies, it commucates, it changes/improves life, it develops critical think, it fosters creativity, Starter activity(3 MINS) In your own words explain two of the roles of art stated above. 1._________________________________________ ____________________________ 2._________________________________________ _____________________________ In your own words explain two of the roles of art stated above. 1._________________________________________ ____________________________ 2._________________________________________ _____________________________ To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

3 From the do now and starter activity? what are we learning today? Title? Title? Objectives? INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ART To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

4 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ART GRADE D/C/B/A/A* DAVID WILLIAMS GRADE D/C/B/A/A* DAVID WILLIAMS To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

5 Learning objectives (2 MINS)  To investigate the meaning of Art (Grade D)  To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D)  To know the branches of art (Grade C)  To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B)  To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A

6 KEY WORDS What are the key words for today’s lesson? Branches Roles Prospects Meaning Creative Arts Visual Arts Performing Arts To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

7 WHY ARE WE LEARNING THIS? WHERE CAN WE USE THIS IN THE FUTURE? 1. To Develop interest in Art as a subject. 2. Creative and think skills 3. Proffessional options 4. Aesthetics Appreciation/Beautification of environment IN THE FUTURE? 1. To Develop interest in Art as a subject. 2. Creative and think skills 3. Proffessional options 4. Aesthetics Appreciation/Beautification of environment To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

8 L.O(1): TO investigate the meaning of Art (GRADE D) Art has so many meaning as we have so many people. Art is the creative expression of beauty usually in visual form. Art is generally a way of life. That is living. Art is the Expression of human feelings. Art is both a process and a product. Art is the creative expression of beauty usually in visual form. Art is generally a way of life. That is living. Art is the Expression of human feelings. Art is both a process and a product. To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

9 To know the branches of art (Grade C) To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)

10 BRANCHES OF ART LIBERAL ART There are two main branches of Art Liberal Art are subjects under Humanities : History/Literature. Social Sciences : Mathematics/ phylosophy. We are more interested in creative Arts To investigat the meaning of Art (Grade D) To know the branches of art (Grade C) To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) *To understand the prospects in the study of art (GRADE B) To be able to apply the understanding of Art to inform decision (GRADE A/A*)


12 Fillin the spaces 1.Which of these is not an applied Art? _____________ (Ceramics, Graphic design, Sculpture, Textile design.) 2. One of the following is not a performing Art. ____________ (Drama, Music, Painting, Dance) 3. Painting and Sculptures are aspects of ______________ (Mural design, Fine Arts, Theartre Arts, Applied Arts) 4. The medium of the Art of pottery is mainly in _____________ (Sands, Plaster of Paris, Cement, Clay) 5. Mention one example of craft. _____________

13 Fillin the spaces 1.Which of these is not an applied Art? _____________ (Ceramics, Graphic design, Sculpture, Textile design.) 2. One of the following is not a performing Art. ____________ (Drama, Music, Painting, Dance) 3. Painting and Sculptures are aspects of ______________ (Mural design, Fine Arts, Theartre Arts, Applied Arts) 4. The medium of the Art of pottery is mainly in _____________ (Sands, Plaster of Paris, Cement, Clay) 5. Mention one example of craft. _____________ Fillin the spaces 1.Which of these is not an applied Art? _____________ (Ceramics, Graphic design, Sculpture, Textile design.) 2. One of the following is not a performing Art. ____________ (Drama, Music, Painting, Dance) 3. Painting and Sculptures are aspects of ______________ (Mural design, Fine Arts, Theartre Arts, Applied Arts) 4. The medium of the Art of pottery is mainly in _____________ (Sands, Plaster of Paris, Cement, Clay) 5. Mention one example of craft. _____________

14 Fillin the spaces 1.Which of these is not an applied Art? _____________ (Ceramics, Graphic design, Sculpture, Textile design.) 2. One of the following is not a performing Art. ____________ (Drama, Music, Painting, Dance) 3. Painting and Sculptures are aspects of ______________ (Mural design, Fine Arts, Theartre Arts, Applied Arts) 4. The medium of the Art of pottery is mainly in _____________ (Sands, Plaster of Paris, Cement, Clay) 5. Mention one example of craft. _____________ Fillin the spaces 1.Which of these is not an applied Art? _____________ (Ceramics, Graphic design, Sculpture, Textile design.) 2. One of the following is not a performing Art. ____________ (Drama, Music, Painting, Dance) 3. Painting and Sculptures are aspects of ______________ (Mural design, Fine Arts, Theartre Arts, Applied Arts) 4. The medium of the Art of pottery is mainly in _____________ (Sands, Plaster of Paris, Cement, Clay) 5. Mention one example of craft. _____________

15 To know the roles Art plays in the society (Grade D) We have discussed the roles of art earlier. Monumental Sculpture Communication Craft Protective Painting Beautification Graphics Match the role with the branch of art

16 L.O (3): To understand the prospects in the study of Art. (GRADE B) What do you understand by the word prospect?

17 It means the proffesional OPPORTUNITIES one can take up in the study of Art Architecture Make-up Artist Sculptor Graphic Designer Movie Director Ceramist Textile Designer Interior Decorator Architect ure Painter

18 With the aid of the internet google five possible professional prospect you can embark upon in the study of Art A CURATOR Animator Illustrator

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