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. La bandera de España SPAIN IS DIFERENT. Spain has 17 communities For example:

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Presentation on theme: ". La bandera de España SPAIN IS DIFERENT. Spain has 17 communities For example:"— Presentation transcript:

1 . La bandera de España SPAIN IS DIFERENT

2 Spain has 17 communities For example:

3 CATA LUÑA The Sagrada Familia cathedral is in Barcelona

4 Castilla y león This is Salamanca’s. It’s beautiful

5 Galicia The Santiago de Compostela cathedral is very famous

6 Asturias Santa Maria del Naranjo is asturian art church

7 Cantabria It’s typical construction

8 PAÍS VASCO They are people sea. Their hat is a txapela

9 NAVARRA This is a typical country.


11 ARAGÓNARAGÓN This is the Ebro river. The town is Zaragoza.

12 VALENCIA The Music Palace is very modern.

13 MADRID Madrid is our capital. This is Real Palace.

14 EXTREMADURA The clima is very hot in Extremadura.

15 ANDALUCIA Flamenco is typical music in Andalucia. Ole!


17 CASTILLA LA MANCHA It’s a traditional construction.

18 LAS CANARIAS It’s a beautiful island.

19 LAS BALEARES It’s a marvellous island.

20 CEUTA Ceuta is in Africa.

21 MELILLA It’s near to Ceuta.

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