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AP Biology Mitosis & Meiosis Labs

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1 AP Biology Mitosis & Meiosis Labs
Natalia Sivackova

Processes of cell division 2 types Mitosis: parent cell produces two “daughter” cells that are genetically identical Meiosis: parent cells divide and produce the gametes that give rise to new individuals


4 LAB 1 “Study the process of mitosis using slides of onion root tips or whitefish blastulae”

5 Cell Cycle Process called karyokinesis: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase
Telophase Process called cytokinesis

6 Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

7 Homologous Chromosomes
What genome is composed of Similar but not identical Carries same genes in same order But alleles for each trait might not be the same

8 Synapsis Crossing over (prophase 1) Come together
Sections are exchanged Both parents

9 LAB 2 “Observing the crossing over in a fungus Sordania”

10 Meiosis occurs in haploid ascospores
Produces spores of different colors Fertilization occurs when growing filaments meet Zygotes form Meiosis occurs in haploid ascospores


12 End! 

13 Sources: /lab3/spores2.html (pictures, labs, and information)

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