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…what Georgia schools should know, do, and understand.

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Presentation on theme: "…what Georgia schools should know, do, and understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 …what Georgia schools should know, do, and understand.

2 GEORGIA SCHOOL KEYS The Eight Strands or Standards :  Curriculum  Assessment  Instruction  Planning & Organization  Student, Family, & Community  Professional Learning  Leadership  School Culture









11 Principal “To Do” Checklist 1. Confirm the dates of the school review and that no conflicts (including testing, special schools events, etc.) exist. 2. As soon as possible, provide to GAPSS team leader the following documents, needed to prepare the team’s observation and interview schedules: Map of the school (floor plan) with room numbers, teacher’s names, and grade levels. Copy of the master schedule that includes: All courses currently being offered Faculty assignments Bell schedules Planning times Lunch times Special education teachers’ schedules Master list of faculty (staff roster) and their assignments if not included on the master schedule. 3. Meet with the faculty to: Inform them of the dates of the school review. Inform them of the purpose and benefits of the review. Inform them of the requirement that each certified faculty member complete the online staff survey. Inform teachers that the current lesson/unit plan should be placed on a chair reserved for review team members during the classroom observations.

12 4. The principal will also: Before the visit, work with GAPSS team leaders to determine interview room locations. Secure a meeting room for the visiting team to gather throughout the school day and to store materials for the review process. Notify the staff of the time and location of their small group interviews at least one week prior to the visit. Schedule a ten minute faculty meeting the morning of the first day’s visit. Plan the Principal’s Presentation, to be scheduled on the first day’s visit. Determine who, from the school/system, will attend the GAPSS Summary Meeting to receive the results and recommendations. 5. Complete / collect the following information and email to the review team leader: Most current School Improvement Plan Completed School Profile (blank template provided by GaDOE)

13 6. Place a copy of the following documents in the team workroom (only if available): Most recent implementation progress check of the school’s comprehensive school reform model A list of special curriculum programs or alternative structuring by grade (Accelerated Reader, Saxon Math, SRA kits, looping, multi-age grouping, block scheduling, inclusion classes, etc.) Sample curriculum maps or units & Lesson/Unit format or template MINUTES: agendas for leadership team, department, and/or faculty meetings – past six months School Professional Learning Plan (unless included in the School Improvement Plan) including evaluation/monitoring process

14 Teacher Observation Forms Overview of Mentoring Program PTSA/School Council agenda, minutes, schedules, sign-in sheets Parent/community newsletters Parent workshop documentation List of community partners Safety Plan Homework policy Make-up work policy Behavior-management plan Intervention documents (Remediation/Enrichment/Acceleration/Pyramids of Intervention) for school day, after-school, summer, extended day/year, etc. A copy of the Student Handbook if any of the items listed are included









23 Adapt!

24 Plan!

25 Prepare!

26 Let’s welcome feedback

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