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Bureau of Indian Education

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1 Bureau of Indian Education
Annual Report Cards State and Local

2 BIE Annual Report Cards
Purpose: The No Child Left behind Act of 2001 requires each state to produce an annual report card that summarizes assessment results of students statewide and disaggregated by student subgroups. The BIE Annual Report Cards contains several types of data designed to inform parents and the general public about the progress of BIE.

3 BIE Annual Report Cards
Two Types of Report Cards: State – Reflects Bureau-wide data Local – Reflects individual school’s data

4 BIE Annual Report Cards
Contents: In addition to state assessment results, information must also be included on high school graduation rates, teacher qualifications and other indicators used in each state’s definition of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The Annual Report Cards must include at least two years of data.

5 BIE Annual Report Cards
Where are the Report Cards Published?: The Annual Report Cards are published each year in the Fall via the BIE website, When are the Report Cards Published? The Annual Report Cards are published annually. The goal is to publish the reports cards prior to the beginning of the school year.

6 BIE Annual Report Cards
How will the information be communicated?: DPA staff will host WebEx sessions to train School Operations on the requirements and content of the Annual Report Cards. School Operations will then inform parents and community members about the content of the Annual Report Cards.

7 BIE Annual Report Cards
How will the information be communicated?: School Operations staff will inform parents and local community members about the BIE Annual Report Cards through various methods such as: Print report cards and make them available in local community centers, parent centers, and schools. Share the report card website address through newsletters, school and BIE websites, and social media. Discuss the report cards at Parent/Teacher Meetings and Parent Advisory Group Meetings.

8 BIE Annual Report Cards
What does each Section include?: Enrollment – The average number of students enrolled during the school year. All Students Subgroups: Limited English Proficient(LEP) and Special Education Average Daily Attendance(ADA), Graduation and Dropout Rates Subgroups: LEP and Special Education ADA: K-8 grades and 9-12 grades Graduation and Dropout Rates: High School only

9 BIE Annual Report Cards
Student Achievement: Language Arts, Reading, Math and Science Participation Rate All Students Subgroups: LEP and Special Education Basic, Proficient and Advanced Scores Two Year Trends in each subject area

10 BIE Annual Report Cards
Highly Qualified Teachers Number of full-time teachers Number of unfilled vacancies for full-time teachers Number of teachers retiring Number of teachers not offered contracts Number of core area teacher who are highly qualified

11 BIE Annual Report Cards
Data Sources: The data used to create the BIE State and Local Annual Report Cards originates from: BIE Academic Report See also Memorandum to Superintendents, Principals, School Data Entry Personnel dated August 29, 2013 regarding Reporting Accountability Data Native American Information System (NASIS)

12 BIE Annual Report Cards
Data Verification: Schools have the opportunity to review student demographics and accountability data before public reporting.

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