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A N I NTRODUCTION TO A DVOCACY : T RAINING G UIDE Ritu R. Sharma Women Thrive Worldwide Ritu R. Sharma Women Thrive Worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "A N I NTRODUCTION TO A DVOCACY : T RAINING G UIDE Ritu R. Sharma Women Thrive Worldwide Ritu R. Sharma Women Thrive Worldwide."— Presentation transcript:

1 A N I NTRODUCTION TO A DVOCACY : T RAINING G UIDE Ritu R. Sharma Women Thrive Worldwide Ritu R. Sharma Women Thrive Worldwide

2 H OW TO USE THIS GUIDE This Introduction to Advocacy Training Guide provides the tools for people to start engaging in the advocacy process, and is thus designed to: inform a diverse audience of potential advocates about advocacy and its methods; build some basic skills in advocacy; increase the use of available data to inform the advocacy process; give confidence to those who are embarking on advocacy efforts; encourage the democratic process by providing people with the skills to make their voices heard. How can the Guide be used and adapted? This presentation, along with the text, is written primarily for use in training sessions, but it can also be used by potential advocates as a tool to help them start their own advocacy work. Pick and choose which of the ten modules you want to use For additional activities, content, and case studies, refer to the text of An Introduction to Advocacy: Training Guide An Introduction to Advocacy: Training Guide 2

3 T HIS TRAINING GUIDE HAS TEN MODULES : ① What is Advocacy? ② Identifying Policy Issues ③ Selecting an Advocacy Objective ④ Researching Audiences ⑤ Developing and Delivering Advocacy Messages ⑥ Understanding the Decision-Making Process ⑦ Building Alliances ⑧ Making Effective Presentations ⑨ Fundraising for Advocacy ⑩ Improving your Advocacy 3

4 M ODULE 2: I DENTIFYING P OLICY I SSUES A. Data and Policy Making Examine data and the policy making process B. Issue Identification Use data to identify issues for policy areas C. Policy Solutions Formulate policy solutions for the issues we identify This module follows pages 13-20 of An Introduction An Introduction to Advocacy: Training Guide to Advocacy: Training Guide by Ritu R. Sharma. 4

5 2.A) D ATA AND P OLICY M AKING Data and Research : Quantitative or qualitative information gathered through an objective process. Policy Issue : A problem or situation which an institution or organization could take action to solve. 5

6 2.A) D ATA AND P OLICY M AKING Data can be used to: Identify issues for policy action Widen the range of possible solutions to a problem Affect what is changeable or doable in a policy process Choose an advocacy goal Directly influence decision makers Inform the media, public or others who indirectly influence decision makers Support an existing advocacy position Counter oppositional positions or arguments Alter the perceptions about an issue or problem Challenge myths and assumptions Confirm policy actions and programs that work Reconsider strategies that are not working 6

7 2.B) I SSUE I DENTIFICATION The process begins by identifying issues that require policy action. A variety of policy actors identify issues for action using techniques ranging from the spontaneous generation of ideas to the cautious and deliberate study of issues. Research data can bring suspected or even unknown issues into focus and can provide a comparison among issues. 7

8 2.C) P OLICY S OLUTIONS After identifying problems or issues that require action, what can an organization or institution do to help solve the problem? At this stage, it is enough to identify possible solutions; it is not critical to reach consensus on each solution. 8

9 2) A NNEX : F ACTORS WHICH P ROMOTE OR H INDER THE U SE OF D ATA AND R ESEARCH FOR A DVOCACY AND P OLICY - MAKING 9 Factors which promote the use of data and research The information needs of the policy maker are taken into account when designing the study. Research is conducted by an organization that policy makers perceive as credible and reliable. Research is focused on a few answerable questions. Findings are presented in multiple formats, tailored to each audience. Findings are disseminated using a variety of channels. Audiences receive the same message from diverse sources. Presentations of findings to policy makers emphasize the important lessons that were learned, rather than the need for more research. Factors which hinder the use of data and research Research questions and findings that are not relevant to policy decisions. The timing is off: the research answered yesterday’s questions or assessed yesterday‘s program. The research is conducted or presented by an organization or individual that is not credible to policy makers. Findings are inconclusive or subject to widely differing interpretations. Findings are unwelcome because they are negative and/or not presented with policy relevant solutions. Findings are not widely disseminated. Finding are not generalizable. Findings are presented in lengthy, technical, or jargon-laden reports.

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