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ENGLISH PRE-AP QUIZ ashton V brianna W cameron C carol H.

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1 ENGLISH PRE-AP QUIZ ashton V brianna W cameron C carol H

2 QUESTION ONE WHAT, ending in –ing, is a verb form that acts as a noun. gerund gerund phrase pronoun complement

3 QUESTION TWO WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS STATEMENT? A gerund phrase is made up of a preposition and all of its modifiers and complements. preposition gerund phrase predicate compound verb

4 QUESTION THREE Which one is a gerund phrase? Waiting a long time in a restaurant Take tennis lessons Ride the bike BODACIOUS!

5 QUESTION FOUR Which one is a gerund? SKIING is her favorite sport. Photographs are FUN. Cheese and crackers are DELICOUS. The boy was HITTING the ball.

6 QUESTION FIVE Which one is not a real participle? a. participle b. present participle c. tomorrows participle d. past participleparticiplepresent participletomorrows participle past participle

7 QUESTION SIX What is a participial phrase? a. it describes a noun b. is made up of verbs and all its modifiers c. describes a verb d. is made up of a participle and all of its modifiersit describes a noun is made up of verbs and all its modifiersdescribes a verb is made up of a participle and all of its modifiers

8 QUESTION SEVEN What is a participle? a. is a noun that acts like a verb b. is a verb form that acts like as an adjective c. is a verb form that acts like a noun d. is a adjective being used as an nounis a noun that acts like a verbis a verb form that acts like as an adjectiveis a verb form that acts like a nounis a adjective being used as an noun

9 QUESTION EIGHT Which word is the participle? Christian has the winning ticket. a. has b. ticket c. winning d. winning tickethasticketwinningwinning ticket

10 QUESTION NINE Which word is the participle? Brendon went to the doctor and the doctor said Brendon had a broken arm. a. went b. said c. broken d. and

11 QUESTION TEN How do you recognize an infinitive phrase? A. It must have an –ing ending B. Must have the word to and a noun C. Must have the word to and a verb D. Must have an -ar, -er, or -ir ending

12 QUESTION ELEVEN When a modifier comes between to and the verb, the infinitive is said to be what? Not an infinitive An irregular verb Infinite split

13 QUESTION TWELVE The child loves to draw. What kind of phrase is to draw? Prepositional phrase Modifier An infinitive phrase All of the above

14 QUESTION THIRTEEN An infinitive phrase may contain one or more what? Prepositional phrases Modifiers Complements Suffixes

15 QUESTION FOURTEEN The word ________is called the sign, or marker, of the infinitive. A. For For B. Split Split C. A A D. To To

16 QUESTION FIFTEEN Yes, Im going to be there in a minute. What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence? Going There To be Going to



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