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Chromosomes, mapping, and the meiosis-inheritance connection Chapter 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosomes, mapping, and the meiosis-inheritance connection Chapter 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosomes, mapping, and the meiosis-inheritance connection Chapter 13

2 Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance Carl Correns Walter Sutton Thomas Hunt Morgan

3 Sex Linked Traits and Morgan Did Fly Experiment –P- crossed white eyed male with red eyed female –F1- all red eyed –F2 Found Odd ratio plus all white eyes were males….what does this suggest –Crossed Parental Male with F1 female…what did he find????

4 Sex Chromosomes What do they do? Are they the same in all species? SpeciesMaleFemale HumansXYXX BirdsZZZW GrasshoppersXOXX BeesHaploidDiploid

5 How does Y Chromosome Work? Sry Gene What happens if it is damaged?

6 Hemophilia

7 Dosage Compensation Barr Bodies Genetic Mosaics –Calico cats…what else is this an example of?

8 Exceptions to the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance Mitochondria Chloroplasts

9 Genetic Mapping Can tell where a gene is by frequency of Crossing over. Is this full proof? Map unit. Figure 13.7 SNPs

10 Human Genetic Disorders Can be due to altered proteins –Examples? Can be due to non-disjunction Problem can be different depending on where gene is inherited from

11 Early Detection of Problems Pedigree analysis Amniocentisis Chorionic Villi Sampling

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