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Escape velocity The condition for escape is to have KE > U Far from earth, g decreases so U = mgh.

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Presentation on theme: "Escape velocity The condition for escape is to have KE > U Far from earth, g decreases so U = mgh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Escape velocity The condition for escape is to have KE > U Far from earth, g decreases so U = mgh

2 Energy and Gravity To get into orbit and object has to be launched _____ enough. The speed needed to achieve orbit is called __________ velocity. The speed needed to outright break free of a planets gravity (a.k.a. to leave orbit) is called ____________. You should be able to create formulas for these velocities using Physics formulas we have already learned….. fast orbital Escape velocity

3 Conservative Forces A force is called conservative if ……….. … is independent of path, and depends only on position. When it gets back to the same spot, E =0. It does no net work on an object moving around a closed path. Conservative Gravity Spring Force Electric Force Nonconservative Friction Tension Normal Force Air resistance Magnetism

4 Conservation of Mechanical Energy Energy can not be created or destroyed, it just changes forms.

5 If this person starts from rest, holding the rope horizontal, swings downward and lets the rope go at the bottom, can we use conservation of energy even though there is tension on him? Yes, because T is perpendicular to the direction of motion and does no work. If he is 4 m from the surface of the water when he jumps and 0.8 m when he lets go, find v f.

6 Find v f 46.2m/s

7 A 120 kg crate is on a flatbed truck that is moving with a=+1.5m/s 2. The crate does not slip as the truck covers a distance of d = 65m. What is the total work done by all forces acting on the crate?

8 A 58 kg skier is coasting down a 25 0 slope. A kinetic frictional force F k = 70N opposes her motion. Near the top of the slope her speed is v o = 3.6 m/s. Determine her speed v f at a point that is displaces 57m down the hill.

9 1.Since work is force x distance find the ΣF 2.How much of it is in the direction of motion? 3.Multiply that part of the force by the distance it is applied over. 9700J

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