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Staff Concerns and Complaints Administrative Policy GBK Updated 07/31/2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Concerns and Complaints Administrative Policy GBK Updated 07/31/2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Concerns and Complaints Administrative Policy GBK Updated 07/31/2012 1

2 The hope is that every day communication between staff members will encourage the resolution of concerns informally. 2

3 Any staff member who has a concern should informally discuss the matter with the individual in an effort to resolve the concern. 3

4 Staff is encouraged to work toward solutions in an atmosphere of respectful and honest communication. 4

5 This policy and procedure are intended to increase communication and resolve conflicts respectfully and equitably when informal communication has not been successful. 5

6 Purpose To provide access to an orderly “complaint” review process that allows for a prompt and equitable resolution of concerns, and protects all individuals involved in the process from adverse effects on employment or working conditions because of their involvement in the process. 6

7 Definition A “complaint” is a verbal or written allegation by an employee that there has been a violation or inequitable application of any of the provisions of Board Policies or Administrative Policies or Procedures. 7

8 Philosophy All staff should strive to resolve “complaints” at the most immediate administrative level. A “complaint” should first be informally discussed with the individual who took the actions upon which the “complaint” is based. 8

9 Procedure Discuss concerns informally with the individual who took the actions. If you are not satisfied with the response, you may submit a written “complaint” to the individual who took the actions. If you are not satisfied with the written response received, you may submit a written “complaint” to the next level, the supervisor of the individual who took the actions. 9

10 Explain a Progression for a “Complaint” Teacher Principal Central Office Supervisor of Principal Superintendent Board of Education 10

11 An employee may be accompanied by an individual of his/her choice at any level of the process. This individual is welcome to fully participate in the meeting in support of the employee. Prior to the meeting, the employee and the principal (or other administrator) will inform the other as to the names of the participants. 11

12 Timelines for this procedure are outlined in the administrative procedure. There is also an employee “complaint” form which shall be used for the process. GBK – R 12

13 Good morale is maintained by the sincere efforts of all persons concerned to work toward constructive solutions to problems in an atmosphere of courtesy and cooperation. 13

14 All “complaints” and meetings shall be kept confidential by all persons involved. 14

15 No staff member shall experience any adverse effects on employment conditions as a result of involvement in this process. 15

16 If an employee has questions related to this policy or procedure, the employee may seek advice from Administrative Staff or from Human Resources Administrators. 16

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