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How will we look in 2030; the next two decades for LIS David Bawden City University London.

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Presentation on theme: "How will we look in 2030; the next two decades for LIS David Bawden City University London."— Presentation transcript:

1 How will we look in 2030; the next two decades for LIS David Bawden City University London

2 What do we really know about people’s information seeking?  Zipf and least effort  satisficing  personality factors important  and not very much else

3 Is there a ‘Google generation’ ?  What are the ‘millenials’ like ?  What will they want from LIS ?

4 What kind of interfaces will we have ?  and are they what we want ?  e-books  mobile devices  virtual worlds

5 Ubiquitous information  do we want it ?  what kind of world would it be if we had it?

6 If information is everywhere .. what is in the library ?  is there any need for an ‘information place’ ?

7 If we can get information whenever and wherever we want it  what is the point of a collection ?  do selection and context still matter ?

8 If we trust ‘social content”..  Wikipedia, Flickr ….  where is the expert ? and expertise ?  is ‘something’ good enough ?

9 If we trust ‘folksonomy’  is there any point in taxonomy ?  do we believe in any ‘r i ght classification’ ?

10 Do we believe in digital literacy?  or ‘information literacy’  or even literacy

11 What are the LIS professions for ?  and what might we be doing in 2030 ?

12 What are the LIS professions for ?  promoting reflective understanding, rather than quick answers  providing the ‘selective context’ of a collection, rather than ‘everything’  keeping things organised  making memory relevant  promoting literacy

13 What kind of LIS research do we need ?  LIS-RES-2030 project at City University London

14 LIS research  how can we help meaning and understanding emerge from ubiquitous information  how can we provide useful ‘knowledge places’  how can organise the digital world  what is the best way to promote digital literacy

15 The ‘end of information’ ?  What if all the problems are solved ?

16 Many questions.. Few answers  Thank for your attention

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