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NWCL-C Where do we go from HERE?.

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Presentation on theme: "NWCL-C Where do we go from HERE?."— Presentation transcript:

1 NWCL-C Where do we go from HERE?

2 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Everything that is coming into your life you are attracting into your life.” “It is attracted to you by virtue of the images you are holding in your mind.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

3 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Whatever is going on in your mind, you are attracting to you!” “Basically, the Law of Attraction says like attracts like, but we are really talking at a level of thought.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

4 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Our job as humans is to hold onto the thoughts of what we want, and make it absolutely clear in mind what we want.” “You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

5 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Thoughts become things.” “Every thought has a frequency. We can measure thought.” “Thoughts send out a magnetic signal that draws a parallel back to you.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

6 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Most people are thinking about what they don’t want and it shows up over and over again.” “If you’re sitting there looking at a mountain of debt, that’s the signal you’re putting out to the universe. If you’re feeling really bad about it, that’s what you are going to get more of.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

7 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “When you think of the things you want and you focus on it with all of your intention, the Law of Attraction will give you what you want.” “The Law of Attraction is not biased to wants and don’t-wants. It manifests the things you are thinking.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

8 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “The Law of Attraction is working whether you’re thinking of past, present, or future.” “Every time someone has a thought, they are in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

9 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “If you’re complaining about how bad it is, what you are doing is creating more of how bad it is.” “When you focus on something with a lot of passion it makes it happen even faster.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

10 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Change your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want.” “When you are positive in your outlook and orientation we tend to attract positive people and positive events and circumstances.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

11 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “When you are very negative in your orientation, very angry, we tend to attract negative angry people and negative angry circumstances.” “You are attracting to you whatever you are holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

12 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “You draw everything to yourself…the people, the job, the circumstances, the wealth, the debt, the joy, the car that you drive, the community that you are in.” “What you think about you bring about.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

13 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Your life is the physical manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.” “Quantum physics says you can’t have a universe without the mind entering into it…the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

14 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “An affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.” “Thank God there is a time delay so that all of your thoughts don’t come true instantly. It allows you to reassess and make a new choice.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

15 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “You are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you! And you do it with your thoughts.” “Everything that is in your life you’ve attracted.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

16 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Most of us attract everything by default. We tend to operate on autopilot.” “Researchers tell us we have about 60,000 thoughts a day. It is impossible to self-monitor all of them.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

17 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Our thoughts trigger our feelings. Our emotions are this incredible gift that we have to let us know what we are attracting.” “Depression, fear, guilt, resentment, hate, revenge, anger, etc., are bad feelings, bad vibes, bad frequencies. They don’t make you feel empowered.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

18 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “There are positive emotions that make you feel good such as excitement, love, gratitude, joy, passion, etc.” “When you celebrate good feelings, you draw to yourself more good feelings. So if you are feeling good, keep doing what you are doing to attract more of that.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

19 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “If you’re feeling good, you’re creating a future that is on track with what you are desiring.” “If you’re feeling bad, you’re creating a future that is off track with what you are desiring.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

20 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Whatever you’re thinking and feeling today is creating your future.” “You’re getting what you’re feeling about, not so much what you’re thinking about.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

21 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “People have no clue that simply by shifting their emotions they can change their entire day and life.” “You can feel love, prosperity, healthy, even if it’s not there. And the universe will correspond to the nature of your song and manifest it because that’s the way you feel.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

22 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Your thoughts and your feelings create your life.” “What you focus on with thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

23 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “You create your own universe as you go along.” Winston Churchill The Center for Empowered Leadership

24 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “The more you can feel good the more you will attract the things that help you feel good.” “When you’re feeling down, change the way you feel by putting on a beautiful piece of music, start singing, or think of something beautiful.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

25 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “The Creative Process: Step 1 Ask (for what you want) Step 2 Believe (that it is already yours) Step 3 Receive (feel the way you will feel once it arrives…feel it now!)” The Center for Empowered Leadership

26 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “When the intuitive nudge is there just act.” “You’ve got to pay attention to what you are attracted to.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

27 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr The Center for Empowered Leadership

28 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Visualize what you want to manifest.” “Your present reality is the outcome of your past thoughts and actions.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

29 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” Buddha 6th century B.C. The Center for Empowered Leadership

30 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “How to turn your life around: Gratitude.” “Start making a list of things to be grateful for. You start to be grateful for all the things you feel good about.” “Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

31 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Every morning run through a list of what you are grateful for.” “Don’t think about them, feel the feeling of gratitude. You will attract more of the things you are grateful for.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

32 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “When you visualize then you materialize.” “When you visualize dwell upon the end result.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

33 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “It’s the feeling that really creates the attraction not just the picture or the thought.” “Feel the joy. Feel the happiness.” “Express it.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

34 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “What this power is I cannot say. All I know is that it exists.” Alexander Graham Bell The Center for Empowered Leadership

35 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein The Center for Empowered Leadership

36 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.” W. Clement Stone The Center for Empowered Leadership

37 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “When you focus on lack and what you don’t have that’s what you will have.” “Life is meant to be abundant in all areas.” “Go for the inner vision of joy and then the outer things appear.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

38 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “For relationships to work we have to focus on what we appreciate about the other person. Not what we are complaining about. When we’re complaining about things we only get more of those things.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

39 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Negative thoughts, stress, seriously degrade the body in the functioning of the brain because it is our thoughts and emotions that are continually reassembling and reorganizing, and recreating our body.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

40 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “There is a lie floating around in the mind of humanity. The lie is that there is not enough to go around…there’s lack, there’s limitation, there’s not enough. That lie has people living in fear, greed, stinginess, and lack. So that becomes people’s experience.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

41 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “The truth is there is more than enough to go around when the mind becomes aware of its own infinite nature.” “If you believe it. If you can see it…Act from it. It will show up for you.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

42 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “A great part of this Secret is empowering and sharing with others.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

43 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “All power is from within and is therefore under our own control.” Robert Collier The Center for Empowered Leadership

44 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “When people start focusing on what they want, what they don’t want falls away.” “You are the designer of your destiny.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

45 The Center for Empowered Leadership
NWCL-C “Every single ‘I’m not…’ is a creation.” “Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right.” Henry Ford The Center for Empowered Leadership

46 The Center for Empowered Leadership
The Secret “You were born to add something, to add value to this world…to be the best you could be. You are the creator of your destiny. How will you seize the moment? No one else can dance your dance. No one else can sing your song. No one else can write your story.” The Center for Empowered Leadership

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