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APES NotesCh. 2 Mr. Lesley
History of Humans Current form of our species is Homo sapiens sapiens
1. about 60,000 yrs old. Estimate may be as old as 90,000 to 176,000 2. Up until 12,000 to 10,000 years ago we were hunter-gatherers 3. 12,000 yrs ago switched to agriculure years ago industrial revolution 5. Last 50 yrs-Information revolution
Hunter-gatherers Collected edible plants and hunted and scavenged meat
Nomadic groups of 50 Survived through earth wisdom Short life span High infant mortality Population grew very slowly
Environmental Impacts of Hunter-gatherers
Started fires to flesh out game Stampeded wild animals over cliffs Contributed to change of forests to grasslands Contributed to the extinction of the Mastodon, Saber Tooth Cats, cave bear, giant sloth, and mammoth Altered species distribution Overall low resource use and low environmental impact
Agricultural Societies-before the plow
Domestication of wild animals and cultivation of plants Probably a slow shift that began with hunter-gathers supplementing their food Began in the tropical forests of Asia, Mexico, and Africa Practiced slash and burn agriculture After a plot was used for several years, it was reinvaded by forest and left fallow for 30 years This is subsistence farming and there was little impact because the plots were small and they had no tools
Agricultural Societies- Post Plow
Later, with the invention of the metal plow pulled by animals everything changed The plow allowed the farmers to grow enough food for their families and to save some for barter This allowed trade and cities to be set-up. It also caused disputes over land Now survival of wild animals becomes less important
Effects of Agricultural Revolution
Birth rates rose faster than death rates and population increased People cleared increasingly larger plots of land and destroyed more natural habitat People began accumulating material goods
Relative population size Birth rate and death rate
Stage 1 Preindustrial Stage 2 Transitional Stage 3 Industrial Stage 4 Postindustrial Low High Relative population size (number per 1,000 per year) Birth rate and death rate 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Birth rate Death rate Total population Low growth rate Increasing Growth growth rate Very high growth rate Decreasing growth rate Low growth rate Zero growth rate Negative growth rate Time Fig , p. 255
Industrial Revolution
Began in England in the mid 1700s Began when England used up all of its forests and substituted coal for wood Shift from renewable to n on-renewable This lead to growth in mechanization and factory towns Fossil fuel powered farm equipment lead to an increased agricultural yield which lead to more people
Environmental Impacts
Reduced infant mortality Raised life expectancy which lead to more people Better health Birth control Education Affordable goods income
Globalization and The Information Revolution
Cultural shift to new technologies such as TV, computers an internet Hard to know what the impacts will be
Possible Impacts Help us understand more about the Earth and how systems work Allow us to respond to problems faster Use technology to monitor changes in the Earth More sophisticated technology to model complex systems Technology to reduce pollution and use materials more effectively
Bad Stuff about it Cause confusion, distraction, and a sense of hopelessness because of information overload Increase environmental degradation and homogenization of world cultures We are developing new technologies before we can evaluate their impact
The Conservation era 1832-1870: Early Conservationists
They urged unspoiled wilderness be managed by the government for future generations George Caitlin Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau George Perkins Marsh
Conservationists : environmental concern grows because of yellow fever, typhoid fever, cholera, garbage, air pollution, unsafe factories, contaminated water 1891 Forest Reserve Act: established the responsibilty of the federal government to protec public lands 1892: John Muir formed the Sierra club
1901-1907: Golden Era of Conservation
Theodore Roosevelt was president Persuaded congress to give the president the power to designate public land as wildlife refuges Established the bureau of reclamation Tripled the size of forest reserves 1905: Congress created the US Forest service to manage and protect forest reserves. Gifford Pinchot was the first chief 1912: US National Park System was created The passenger pigeon became extinct
Hetch-Hetchy Decision: divided the conservationists into two groups.
Preservationists Believed humans should protect nature, not conquer it John Muir Wise Use Believed resources should be used wisely to enhance the nation’s economic growth Gifford Pinchot Theodore Roosevelt
Both groups opposed delivering public lands into the hands of a few for profit
Both would be disappointed by what has happened over the years
The 1930s was the great depression and Franklin Roosevelt was president Low cost purchase of large tracts of land from cash poor landowners Started Civilian Conservation Corp Built large dams to get cheap water to CA Enacted the Soil Conservation Act of 1935 that was for combating the problem of soil erosion
The 1960s Rachel Carson published silent spring, which documented how DDT was killing wildlife. The beginning of the environmental Era.
The 1960s 1964 Wilderness Act allowed the government to protect large tracts of public land as part of the National Wilderness System science of ecology was created to understand earth Cuyahoga River caught fire and burned for eight days
1960s Massive air pollution in New York leaves 300 dead
Lake Erie beaches closed due to pollution Santa Barbara coastline heavily polluted by leaking offshore oil rigs. Foam in rivers from pollution
The 1970s April 20th first Earth Day
1970 Richard Nixon created EPA (the Environmental Protection Agency 1973 OPEC oil embargo 1974 CFCs found to be creating ozone hole 1978 Love Canal 1979 Three Mile Island
1980s The Wise Use movement was formed which was an industrial coalition aimed at destroying all the environmental laws
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