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Better Start Bradford – Le Grand Depart Our aim – getting it right at the start Our Better Start Bradford Journey so far – bumpy roads and downhill freewheeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Start Bradford – Le Grand Depart Our aim – getting it right at the start Our Better Start Bradford Journey so far – bumpy roads and downhill freewheeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Start Bradford – Le Grand Depart Our aim – getting it right at the start Our Better Start Bradford Journey so far – bumpy roads and downhill freewheeling Our programme - Road racer, BMX, mountain bike, tricycle, unicycle – to make sure everyone gets there What’s special about Bradford – hills and valleys and ever-changing landscapes What we picked up en route and how that changed the view Reaching our destination

2 The journey so far Bradford Trident appointed lead body Stage 1 genuine partnership - where the framework was built Reached Stage 2 through joint effort and a real push Stage 2 setting out on the road to reach communities, parents and stakeholders Really understanding parent and child journeys Starting to create the infrastructure Building the team – partnership, staff, stakeholders, supporters

3 Bumps in the road Some of the tricky bits: Leverage discussions Engaging schools Engaging elected members Understanding the triangulation between BSB, SRU and the Big Lottery Fund Time pressures

4 The freewheeling stretches No-one said “no” Amazing community strengths and commitment Real consensus about the programme Involvement at every level and in every community Working together from the start Getting real commitment to leverage once we talked about cost/benefit Born in Bradford

5 Nuts and bolts Bump Start Your Baby Fall in love with your Baby Babies and Bonding Eat, Live, Love Talking Together Better Place Innovation Hub Learning Together Working Together Bradford’s babies are everyone’s business

6 The journey of a Better Start Bradford Family Our mum was well prepared for our birth thanks to the antenatal programme and help from her Doula, which made her more relaxed when we were first born Our mum had help with healthy eating and exercise when she was pregnant, and now we are healthy and love our food Our family learnt about baby brain development so they talk and sing to us, even when we were just a bump! Our mum breastfed us and was supported by the Volunteer Breastfeeding Supporters, this helps to build our immune systems Our homestart volunteer showed our mum where the nearest Children’s Centre is so we have made friends and she does not feel isolated Our mum received a Bookstart Bump Pack from her Midwife, and we will receive books up until our 3 rd Birthday We have fun with our dad at Bookstart corner learning new rhymes and songs, this helps us to develop our language The places we walk and play have less air pollution which means our brains will develop better Our family know what to do if we cry through the Coping with Crying DVD, so they are less anxious when we do Our life chances will be improved because…. Our mum and dad are really confident about how to give us the best start and we feel healthy and loved

7 Bradford’s Landscape “Walk over the crest of the hill and start down into Town, past the intricate raggle of little shops that embroider the road side and spill their treasures onto to the pavements. All the world is here, laid out in patchworks of drenched and brilliant colour” Joolz Denby: Bradford – A Poem What our community in the BSB area is like Our BSB area – some of the most deprived in the country Our children’s outcomes The external challenges

8 What we learned en route How to do a huge and complex bid! But everyone knows that now Integration is key – we helped establish the Integrated Care Pathway Early intervention is becoming a priority due to the development stage Parents and staff want to understand about babies brains, attachment and bonding – they’re excited by it! We don’t do evidence-based very well – but we’re getting better We’re stronger if the community and parents are leading

9 Where we are heading and how we will do it In 10 years our BSB children will be at least at the national average for school readiness We will reduce obesity at reception age by 25% We will reach 95% of pregnant women by 12 weeks All our staff will understand and promote the importance of healthy early development Parents and the community will be advocates for healthy eating, strong relationships with 0-3s and getting it right at the start

10 Challenges ahead Reaching everyone – engaging the parents and children we don’t see much of Change - in the current environment of dwindling resources and the impact of that on services Keeping momentum – learning and changing as we go along

11 Keeping on track Being where people are and doing the things that work Keep looking ahead but being aware of what’s around you Reviewing and changing Working together ….. Keep pedalling!


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