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AP Lab 7: Genetics of Drosophila (fruit flies)

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1 AP Lab 7: Genetics of Drosophila (fruit flies)

2 Purpose Use fruit flies to do genetic crosses.
Learn to determine the sex of fruit flies and recognize contrasting phenotypes. Collect data from F1 and F2 generations and analyze the results of a monohybrid, dihybrid, or sex-linked cross.

3 Activity A In part A you will learn to: observe wild-type flies
recognize male and female flies compare the mutant phenotypes with the wild type.

4 Procedure Anesthetizing flies will be demonstrated.
Flies will be placed in petri dishes to be observed. Draw and document important differences between phenotypes of: Males and females Wild types and mutants

5 Procedure After you have observed the flies, return them to the correctly labeled morgue. Make sure that if flies begin moving they are returned to the morgue quickly. The anesthetizing agent lasts approximately 50 min.

6 Activity B Setting up vials:
Obtain one vial and add 1 level measure cup of Formula 4-24 to the vial. Add 1 level measure cup of tap water to the vial. After it solidifies, sprinkle 4-7 grains of yeast to the culture

7 Procedure Setting up F1 cross:
Record the code for the cross that you were given. Collect 5-6 male/female pairs. (10-12 flies total) Using Table 2: F1 Data, record sex and phenotypes for the flies you were given. Place these flies in your vial and label with information from the lab. Return remaining flies to the morgue.

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