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 We opt for the poor  Not the successful, the powerful, the rich and the efficient?  This type of leadership requires special insight and sensitivities,

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Presentation on theme: " We opt for the poor  Not the successful, the powerful, the rich and the efficient?  This type of leadership requires special insight and sensitivities,"— Presentation transcript:


2  We opt for the poor  Not the successful, the powerful, the rich and the efficient?  This type of leadership requires special insight and sensitivities, a mind like Jesus’ and a high level of service  We believe in the present order of things  We are opting against ourselves and the current order  Power & affluence can stifle the Spirit

3  Jesus’ major criticisms were for the rich & powerful  We never had it so good or is it so dangerous?  Power & affluence can stifle the Spirit  “The weak are very conscious of their weakness and the powerful are rarely conscious of their strength”. Paul Tournier. The Violence Inside  The powerful often hurt without intending to and often cannot hear or understand the weak, the vulnerable & poor  Power can blind us as much as corrupt us  Lazarus and the rich man & Jesus at Simon’s house


5  We want God to be powerful  A God who is in charge, fix our problems, give us clear directions, and rescue us from our crises  But Jesus finds God’s love in rejection, darkness, failure & death  He proves he is God by not coming down from the cross  God’s love is vulnerable & contrary to human power  God is active in pain, suffering and ambiguity

6  Christians and especially priests, missionaries and carers tend to be compulsive givers  But we need to receive and well as give  If you do not need anything you cannot be in relationship  Our vulnerability and our need may enable us to empower people and communities  And give us the insight and sensitivity to hear, to recognise and be compassionate  It may release the fire in our hearts and in others.

7  What difference would it make if you were to see God as vulnerable?  We are powerful people. Do you reflect on how dangerous your power might be?  Who are the poor in your “world” and how do you respond to the weak and poor?

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