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PARENTAL PARTNERSHIP MEETING #1 SEPTEMBER 2011 Brighter Choice Charter School for Boys: Why We Exist.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENTAL PARTNERSHIP MEETING #1 SEPTEMBER 2011 Brighter Choice Charter School for Boys: Why We Exist."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENTAL PARTNERSHIP MEETING #1 SEPTEMBER 2011 Brighter Choice Charter School for Boys: Why We Exist

2 College: Gateway to Options

3 Family Sustaining Future Between 2008 and 2018, New York will create 2.8 million job vacancies both from new jobs and from job openings due to retirement. 1.8 million of these job vacancies will be for those with postsecondary credentials, 750,000 for high school graduates and 287,000 for high school dropouts.

4 How the State Set Cut Scores for Proficiency Levels The 2011 Math and ELA Proficiency Standard scores reflect the changes the state began last year. If your scholar scores “Proficient” (Level 3) or “Advanced” (Level 4) in ELA and Math, he is on track for earning a score on his Regents’ exams that colleges will look at as “college ready.”

5 Grade 3 NYS ELA Exam, 2011

6 Grade 3 NYS Math Exam, 2011

7 Grade 4 NYS ELA Exam, 2011

8 Grade 4 NYS Math Exam, 2011 Rank in Albany #2 Rank in Albany #2

9 Grade 5 NYS ELA Exam, 2011

10 Grade 5 NYS Math Exam, 2011

11 Why We Exist: To Show What’s Possible




15 Why We Exist: We Have More Work to Do

16 Why We Exist: To Show What’s Possible

17 Why We Exist: To Alter a History of Injustice in Albany




21 To Continue to Compete, Your Involvement Must Increase


23 Why We Exist

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