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Why We Do This and Not That POWER UP YOUR PLAN Pili Meyer ABR, CIPS, CNE, GRI, SRES, VAMRES.

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Presentation on theme: "Why We Do This and Not That POWER UP YOUR PLAN Pili Meyer ABR, CIPS, CNE, GRI, SRES, VAMRES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why We Do This and Not That POWER UP YOUR PLAN Pili Meyer ABR, CIPS, CNE, GRI, SRES, VAMRES

2 Who are these Buyers and Sellers and What do they want? This publication is available at

3 After a steady decline since 2004, married couples rising as % of buyers

4 38% First Time Buyers 2010 = 50%

5 Pacific Region Median Household Income $96,300 Median Age Buyers 44 17% bought multi- generational home Reasons:  Cost savings-27%  Children over 18 moving back into house-20%  Spend more time w/aging parents- 19%  Health/caretaking of aging parents- 17% Q7

6 What do they Want ? How do they Beha ve?


8 Primary Reason for Selling 6-20

9 How Sellers Found Their Agent 7-1

10 # Agents Contacted by Seller to List Home 7-3 Q2

11 3 Tak e - Awa ys for Wor kin g wit h Sel ler s Treat your referral base, including past clients, really, really well Be first in line Be easy to find

12 What Buye rs Want Most from RE Agen ts 4-8 Q8

13 How Buyer Found the Agent They Used 4-12

14 How Many Agents Were Interviewed by Buyer 4-14 Q1

15 25% 12% of the Buyers did!! Of Sellers previously worked with the agent they chose as Listing Agent

16 Did the Buyer have a writt en agree ment with the agent ? Are You Kidding Me? Q6

17 3 Take Away s for Work ing With Buye rs Learn how to present a Buyer’s Agreement. A lot of them think they signed one. Work those referrals Focus on what is important to them

18 New v Previously Owned Home Purchases 2-1 Fairly static activity

19 Why Choose New Home? Q9

20 Why Choose a Previously Owned Home?

21 What does that mean? If you are marketing new homes, what will you emphasize? What about existing homes?

22 Factors Influencing Neighborhood Choice 2-12

23 What does that mean? If you are marketing a home in the suburbs, stress the quality of the schools If you are marketing a home in a resort community, stress quality and design of the neighborhood.

24 Reasons 14% of buyers purchase multi- generation al home

25 Where Buyers Found the Home They Bought 3-16

26 Fir st Ste ps Tak en in the Hom e Buy ing Pro ces s

27 Information Sources Used by Buyers Q10

28 Information Sources Used by Buyers & Their Usefulness

29 81% = Internet 78% = Real Estate Agent 60% = mobile or tablet app 65% = mobile or tablet search engine The Top 4 Useful Tools

30 Actions Taken as a Result of Internet Home Search 3-13

31 Does this help you decid e where to spend your marke ting dolla rs?

32 How does this help you respo nd to the Selle r who asks for a full page ad in the Wall Stree t Journ al?

33 Mobi le phon e and tabl et apps and sear ch engi nes are # 3 & 4 in usef ulne ss.

34 # Agents Contacted by Seller to List Home 7-3

35 Length of Search in Weeks by Region

36 How many homes did they view? Q5

37 How did the Buyer and Selle r feel about the proce ss?

38 Typical Seller 97% of List Price Median time on market 5 Weeks 38 % sellers’ home on market less than 2 weeks

39 Satisfaction with Real Estate Agent Skills 4-21 Q4

40 Satisfaction with the Selling Process 6-39

41 Satisfaction with the Buying Process 3-20

42 Would Buyer Use the Agent Again or Recommend? 4-21 That’s 88%

43 25% 12% of the Buyers did!! Of Sellers previously worked with the agent they chose as Listing Agent

44 Alway s ask for refer rals Do you know anyone who wants to buy or sell real estate?

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