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How to Enhance the Competence in Mathematical Modeling by Implementing ‘Lesson Study’ in the Case of Flood? Indonesian Case.

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2 How to Enhance the Competence in Mathematical Modeling by Implementing ‘Lesson Study’ in the Case of Flood? Indonesian Case

3 Why Did ‘the Big FLOOD’ Happen in Jakarta in January 2013? How to Overcome it? Water can be our friend, but it can be dangerous How to control it? Technology VS Nature?

4 An Indonesian woman carries her daughter as she wades through flood water in Jakarta in January, 2013. Thousands of houses were inundated in the capital and some cities in Java following heavy rains, forcing the residents to flee their houses. (EPA Photo/Mast Irham). Jakarta Flood Prevention Must be the ‘Top Priority’ Source: prevention-needs-to-be-top-priority/563595

5 Breaking news-world President’s residence flooded, and embassies shut in underwater capital Jakarta (01-18 14:05) Source:

6 Losses on Jakarta Flooding YearTotal VictimsTotal Material Looses 2007 80 people dead 320,000 people displaced IDR 4.3 trillion of losses on an area of 231.8 square km 2013 20 people dead 245,119 people displaced IDR 32 trillion of losses Source: 1.( 2007.html) 2007.html 2.( trillion/568862 trillion/568862 3.( akibat-banjir-jakarta) akibat-banjir-jakarta

7 1.Land in Jakarta is already saturated 2.Ability of the river only able to drain less than 30% of existing flood 3.At Bogor, loss of function of absorbing up to 50 percent compared to the condition 15 years ago 4.Excessive groundwater exploitation 5.Decrease in soil at 10 centimeters per year 6.High tide on the middle of the month Source: TEMPO.CO - Fri, January 18, 2013 Green open space does not meet the minimum requirement of 30 percent of the total area. Water catchment areas in Jakarta only collects less than 10 percent of broad capital Six Causes of the Great Flood in Jakarta

8 How to Overcome? Biopori is a small tunnel found underground in healthy soil and is created by tree roots and soil organisms such as worms and termites. Therefore it can enhance the soil capacity, preventing floods and droughts, reducing organic trash, and facilitating agriculture. Source: httpwww.riverbasinplan.orgimagesstoriesRBPWhatIsBiopori.pdf Technology is not sufficient to overcome the flood. Save the nature is more important  How math contribute to the sustainable development? How about if every student has to participate in implementing the Biopori System in his/her school and home?

9 Build a Big Tunnel in Jakarta The diameter will be 16 m The length will be 19 km The cost will be IDR 16.4 T Government’s Programs (1)

10 Government’s Programs (2)  Building 10,000 infiltration wells in Jakarta Infiltration wells could reduce the flow of surface water that it can avoid the puddle of excess surface water flow which causes flooding.  Conducting “1,000,000,000 trees” program in Indonesia (One Billion Indonesian Trees for the World) It is an effort to establish society’s culture to plan and preserve trees. This program has been initiated by the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia since 2010.

11 Government’s Programs (3)  Building 50,000 Ponds in Jakarta The ponds could reduce the flow of surface water that it can avoid the puddle of excess surface water flow which causes flooding.  Its dimension is 5m  5m  2m for each pond  The cost is 500,000  IDR 1,000,000  Each pond can catch 50m 3 of water in average  Each pond can absorb 10 times of the volume of the pond  500m 3  500,000 ponds can absorb 500,000,000m 3 of water = 1/3 of water that discharged into the sea Source: Kompas, Wednesday 6 Feb 2013


13 The Tasks that the Students might do?  Measurement of rainfall How to measure the intensity of the rainfall? How to relate rainfall with flooding?  The Rainfall data collection from BNPB (National Disaster management Agency) for various places in Indonesia)  Ratio, proportion, and direct variations in relation Relationships between the number of trees and the volume of ground water Relationships between ground water, proportion of people and flood Ratio of population in Jakarta and other places in Indonesia from year to year

14  Green open space Related to the program of 30% open space, why the minimum requirement of it is 30% of the total area. Measure the green space in school.  Building a Big Tunnel or 50,000 Ponds? How many m 3 of water can be absorbed in the case of 50,000 Ponds and will be discharged into the in the case of big tunnel. What about the cost? Government’s Programs (1) `

15 LS on Flood in QiM’s Programs  Writing proposal and designing instrument (April 5 th - 9 th, 2013)  Plan step  4 teachers  4 staff of QiM  Collecting data (May, June, July 2013)  Do and see step  2 elementary schools  2 secondary schools  Analyzing data and writing report (August 1 st - 3 rd, 2013)


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