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Harsco's Core Ideology Core Purpose Core Values

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0 Harsco Metals and Minerals Overview
Mack McIntyre 4th December 2014

1 1 3 2 4 Harsco's Core Ideology Core Purpose Core Values
To build teams that win with integrity anywhere in the world Customers Employees Shareholders Suppliers Value Creation Value Capture Value Selling Be the Best Sustainable Superior Performance (20-Mile March) Safety Ethical in Thought, Word and Deed Disciplined Thought, Disciplined Action and Disciplined People Transparency Personal Accountability and Responsibility Customers Targeted Market BHAG Envisioned Future Core Values 1 3 Uncompromising Integrity and Ethical Business Practices Harsco Integrity Framework: Code of Conduct Security Practices Internal Control Continuous Improvement Continuous Improvement Discipline through Lean and Six Sigma Methods Business Transformation Safety Practices Global Management Practices 2 4 People – the "A Team" Human Capital Framework: Global Talent Management System for Recruiting, Developing, Retaining and Assessing Human Capital Value Creation Discipline Economic Value Added (EVA®) Value Selling Culture

2 Harsco Metals & Minerals
Harsco Corporation A world-leading $3bn+ company providing specialist solutions to industries which are fundamental to global economic growth. Operating in 50 countries, and employing over 20,000 people. Harsco Metals Provides environmental and logistics solutions to metals producers in the steel, aluminium, zinc, nickel and copper industries. Operations at over 160 sites in more than 30 countries (sales $1.3bn). Harsco Minerals Provides environmental services to the utility and stainless steel industries. Harsco Minerals utilizes innovative metal recovery to give customers a cost effective raw material for production while manufacturing a full range of mineral products servicing the abrasive blasting, roofing, agriculture, turf, and mining industries. 2 2

3 Worldwide presence Our network value
Harsco Metals provides onsite services to the metals industry (incl. steel, aluminium, nickel, copper and zinc). Our network value Operations over 160 sites in 30 countries 12,000 employees 3 3

4 Solving Metals & Minerals Challenges Safety First
Continuous Improvement Journey Customer-driven Innovation Stronger as a Team 4

5 Harsco Metals & Minerals Solutions:
Zero waste Resource recovery By-product solutions Logistics & material management Operation and Maintenance of assets

6 Today’s Industrial Challenges
Minimising raw material costs Optimising logistical efficiency Upgrading Product Quality Achieving Environmental Sustainability Engineered Solutions Logistics Product Value Recycling 6 6

7 Operation and Asset Management of Customer and/or Harsco Assets
Engineered Solutions: Delivering Enhanced Value Logistics Product value Recycling Refractory Sludge & slurry Raw materials handling Quality inspection Defect detection Grinding & Slitting Scrap Slag Dust Liquid metal transport Product management Metal Recovery Essential maintenance - Turning scrap into product - Turning by-products into raw materials - Re-selling to third parties Turning stock into cash Adding to product final value Operation and Asset Management of Customer and/or Harsco Assets

8 Zero Waste Solutions

9 The Zero Waste Principle
There is often confusion about what Zero Waste means. It may seem a concept that is unachievable. All processes produce waste, no process is 100% efficient. However, we can plan for the elimination of waste. =>The Zero Waste goals: Maximise recycling Minimise waste Reduce Consumption Ensure products are re-used and recycled

10 Benefits Of Recycling Cost avoidance from landfill charges.
Commercial value of selling to different industries. Environmental compliance value – Move towards Zero Waste. Increase land utilisation. Allow customers to focus on their Core Business of Making Finished Products. Utilisation of all by products to produce a commercially viable product that returns benefits. Environmental Quality Commercial

11 Objectives Find Technical & Economical Solution’s for Customer By Products. Current arisings from normal production. Existing stockpiles Maximise the value in use for Customer Optimise usage of high value by products Consume by products to prevent landfill Provide lower cost raw material substitutes External sales revenue Provide a future proof solution Environmentally sustainable

12 Briquetting

13 Global Briquetting Experience
Operate briquette plants in UK, Slovakia, Belgium, France, Italy, USA, Canada, China and India. Produce approx 1.7 million tonnes of briquettes annually Produce the following briquette types: BF briquettes Alloy briquettes BOS briquettes Metallurgical Additive briquettes Coke briquettes Other speciality briquettes Performix briquettes Bespoke EAF and Ladle Slag Additives

14 Reference Sites

15 Pelletising

16 Global Pelletising Experience
Operate Pelletising plants in Europe, Asia and USA. Produce approx 1.8 million tonnes of pellets annually Produce Pellets which are fed into Sinter plant. Reference sites below:

17 Pelletisation of By-products
Pelletizing is the process of converting fine products into uniformed sized pellets that can be charged into the EAF/DR furnace. Addition of a binder enhances the strength of the pellets so that they can be handled into the furnace without generating dust but crumble to aid the fast melting after addition.

18 Ferro-Chrome – Magoli, Krugersdorp South Africa
1.5 Million Tonne ‘back-log’ dump purchased in 1996 and processed over 10 years All ‘current arising’ processed since 1997 (evergreen contract), on a ‘toll conversion’ basis Additional 100,000 Tonnes of ‘purchased’ material processed over the last 3 years (metal traders)

19 Harsco’s Business Model & Value proposition
Harsco does not sell Technology / Equipment but is an Industrial Engineered Solutions provider Harsco cultivates relationships and adopts the latest BAT-best available technologies We are building on the strengths of ‘One Harsco’ to markets around the world, where customers benefit from our shared knowledge and ability to innovate Harsco undertake extensive site studies and laboratory test work, and based on the outcome of these studies, Harsco provides a detailed technical and commercial proposal for the customer to evaluate Harsco offer services on long-term contract arrangements, typically 5 – 10 years duration Through adopting BAT-best available technologies, Harsco will work towards the highest level of ‘recovery’ and product quality from various by products

20 By Product Commercialisation
Transport Processing Resource (metal/mineral) Recovery Product Development Products sold to third parties

21 Innovative Applications of By-Products
Road Surface Treatment New Zealand USA Asphalt Mixes Brazil Canada Saudi Arabia South Africa UK Unbound Construction Applications Australia Norway Poland Soil Conditioning

22 Innovative Applications of By-Products
Filter Media Canada New Zealand USA Stone Columns Saudi Arabia Cement/Concrete Brazil China Spain Rail Ballast Insulation Norway Poland Shot Blasting Indonesia South Africa Metallurgical Additives

23 Summary The following solution options are available:
On site handling for materials: raw materials, scrap, by-prducts, semi-finished, and finished products By Product Processing & Resource Recovery By Product market development and sales Zero waste solutions: recycling and reuse

24 Thank you Any Questions?

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