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Building a Synergetic and Valuable Culture of Assessment: beyond the theory and on to the human side of the beast Maureen Erickson and Maggie Killoran.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Synergetic and Valuable Culture of Assessment: beyond the theory and on to the human side of the beast Maureen Erickson and Maggie Killoran."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Synergetic and Valuable Culture of Assessment: beyond the theory and on to the human side of the beast Maureen Erickson and Maggie Killoran Cayuga community college Berlin Germany-, 2009. Johanna and Lucy standing by a piece of the wall (iron curtain) that was finally taken down. (1989) What a statement of the human spirit and it’s need to be free.

2 The human spirit (the beast) The Six Human Needs By Dr. Raymond ComeauDr. Raymond Comeau Certainty. We all need an amount of certainty. We need to know that there is more than a reasonable chance that no harm will be done to us Clear Information about assessment – expectations, process, difference from evaluation, how information will ultimately be used, good, honest, clear, articulate communication Uncertainty. If we could predict the future, if we knew everything that is going to happen to us, we would be bored out of our minds. Involvement in visionary planning for the institution (silos can snuff out the human spirit), information about the workings of the institution, how will assessment data be used for change, get involved in one major goal assessment that will lead to college growth that matters ( an amount of excitement), provide an investment

3 The human spirit (the beast) Significance. Every one needs to feel that they are important. That they matter. That they are worthy of respect. Awards/ rewards, financial support to show it (budget allocation), tenure “credit”, How about a Thank You Connection and love. No man is an island. We need to be loved and appreciated. We need to connect with other people. Team building efforts, knowing your assessment work will be seen and used by those who make institutional decisions, being involved in those decision making processes, i.e. weekend workshop entwining team work, being part of the process and thanks, a show of human appreciation

4 The human spirit (the beast) Growth. We need to feel that we are evolving, that we are improving. We need to feel that we are on an upward course of self-development and self-fulfillment. Tenure, autonomy to be creative with assessment, opportunity for development through conferences and other professional development opportunities, allowing assessment to mean much more than reports handed in in June. Contribution. It is just normal to feel the need to contribute in some way to someone. It makes us feel good to do so. Contribution is the final stage in human development. Once a person can fulfill his own needs the need for contribution automatically kicks in. Be allowed to be a part of the planning process (the college community), get feedback about assessment, autonomy to work outside of your “field” and contribute to the larger college community

5 “What Do You Need and Want in An Assessment Director? “ 13 interviews (phone and in person) More invites to interview 12 Job Offers Totally different scenarios Meeting with President and no search committee Meeting with search committees Phone hiring after tele meeting

6 The BIG question again … “What Do You Need and Want in An Assessment Director? “ It came down to this answer every time: of course we want someone who can DO assessment but we really, really need and want is someone:  Who the faculty and campus will like!  Who the faculty will trust  Who is a researcher but a realist  Who is competent but compassionate  Who is statistical but sanguine

7 What is Missing? What’s the problem? If someone has the knowledge and skills General education Program reviews Direct and indirect measures Rubrics The theory and etc. What Mstates wants Etc.

8 What's missing? Certainty Uncertainty Significance Connection and love Growth Contribution

9 Assessment Quote Jeffrey Hill North Eastern University (Chicago) “I describe the beginning of an assessment culture. I describe the steps taken to BUILD TRUST and make the task some more tractable, the way COMMITMENT GREW within the department, and the plan that was devised. I also review some current problem in the implementation of this plan, showing The VULNERABILITY of an assessment culture in its early stages. Developing a Culture of Assessment: Insights from Theory and Practice Hill, Jeffrey

10 What does the word culture mean? Defining - Culture of Assessment (Ohio State University) A culture of assessment is a commitment to actively pursue improving performance throughout the organization in effort to enhance the customer experience. i.e. STUDENTS A culture of assessment INFLUENCES decision-making and planning and requires: examination of established processes and systems infrastructure for successful execution staff commitment feedback loops change responsiveness

11 A Culture of Assessment April 23, 2009 Inside higher Ed s/2009/04/23/hofstra s/2009/04/23/hofstra “They say that acknowledging a problem is the first step toward accepting it. For Hofstra University, it is also an essential step toward fixing the problem; that is what its "culture of assessment" is all about.”

12 Thank you!! people are valuable!

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