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District Leadership Team 2010-11 Stakeholder Involvement in the District Strategic Plan! Session #4 April 12th, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "District Leadership Team 2010-11 Stakeholder Involvement in the District Strategic Plan! Session #4 April 12th, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Leadership Team 2010-11 Stakeholder Involvement in the District Strategic Plan! Session #4 April 12th, 2011

2 Welcome! Introductions ◦ Name, Stakeholder Group, School Find someone you don’t know and introduce yourself Share a reflection/thoughts about participating on the Department Leadership Team this year. How was the experience?


4 Our Purpose The purpose of the District Leadership Team is to provide oversight and the “voice of the customer” during the implementation of the 3-5 year District Strategic Plan.


6 2010-11 Key tasks/Timelines Monitor the District Strategic Plan ◦ Review SMART goals & Action Plans ◦ Review Balanced Score Card Provide Input on District Initiatives ◦ Serve as the “Voice of the Customer” ◦ Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys (2010-11) ◦ Early Release for Teacher Planning (2011-12)

7 Core Topics… District balanced scorecard | SMART goals and action plans Effective School Principal Criteria Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys PLC; Schedule Change Proposals

8 Core Topics… District balanced scorecard | SMART goals and action plans Effective School Principal Criteria Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys PLC; Schedule Change Proposals

9 Goals/Scorecard Updates District Balanced Scorecard Created a “calendar” for data point updatescalendar Scorecard posted publicly onlineonline Moving toward a data warehouse that will provide real time “dashboard” of results Results presented to the board of education



12 8 Key Areas SMART Goals/Action Plans All SMART goals and action plans onlineonline All action plans are on target Presentation to the board this summer ◦ 21 st Century Learning ◦ Curriculum Mapping ◦ Data Warehouse ◦ District and School Leadership Teams ◦ Support Services Leadership Teams ◦ Finance ◦ Human Resources ◦ Special Education


14 Core Topics… District balanced scorecard | SMART goals and action plans Effective School Principal Criteria Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys PLC; Schedule Change Proposals


16 Core Topics… District balanced scorecard | SMART goals and action plans Effective School Principal Criteria Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys PLC; Schedule Change Proposals

17 17 Harris Interactive School Poll Topic Areas Teachers/Staff  School Atmosphere  Equipment/Facilities  Computer Technology  School Leadership/ Administration  Communications/ Involvement  Parental Support  Career  Students  Other Staff  Other Issues Parents  Equipment/Facilities  School Bus  Computer Technology  School Leadership/ Administration  Communications/ Involvement  Child’s Teachers  Curriculum/Training  Budget  Other Issues Students  School Atmosphere  Equipment/Facilities  School Bus  Computer Technology  Main Teacher/ Teachers (five subjects)  School Leadership  Counselor  Other Staff  Other Issues

18 Voice of the Customer Scorecard measures satisfaction levels ◦ 2.A Increase elementary students overall satisfaction with school ◦ 2.B Increase middle school students overall satisfaction with school ◦ 2.C Increase high school students overall satisfaction with school ◦ 2.E Increase the % of students who feel safe and accepted at school ◦ 3.B Increase certified staff satisfaction ◦ 3.C Increase support staff satisfaction ◦ 4.A Increase parent overall satisfaction ◦ 4.B Increase community member overall satisfaction ◦ 4.C Increase the % of parents who agree that "school is welcoming and friendly" ◦ 4.D Increase effective communication with parents ◦ 4.E Parents feel positively about school safety and climate

19 Stakeholder Surveys- Key Information Stakeholders surveyed: ◦ Students grades 3-12 (online) ◦ All teachers (online) ◦ All support staff (paper May, 2011) ◦ All parents (paper/mailed to home) Dunlap questions included Newsletter blurbs/blog coming soon! Website complete with all details Website Results in June, 2011

20 Core Topics… District balanced scorecard | SMART goals and action plans Effective School Principal Criteria Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys PLC; Schedule Change Proposals

21 Process/Timeline To Date! October, 2010- PLC subcommittee formed Meeting held in October, November, December 2010, and January 2011. Proposal formatted- stakeholder input was obtained in February, 2011. Subcommittee met in March 2011 to review results and discuss next steps Stakeholders invited to review results of survey and submit proposals for PLC time

22 Proposal Criteria Proposals must be “system-wide” providing release time for ALL teachers K-12. Proposals must be “instructional time” neutral (no reduction in student total instructional minutes per week). Proposals must be as “teacher work day” neutral as possible (not adding minutes to the current teacher work day). Proposals must include at least 45 minutes between start/stop times of elementary and secondary schools. The middle and high school schedules need to be on the same/very similar schedule.

23 PLC Proposals 18,000 visitors to the PLC proposal page 15 proposals were submitted Most proposals did not meet all criteria All proposals had good ideas Most proposals had elements that were not feasible (due to cost, logistics or a violation of the teacher contract)

24 Proposal Common Themes Reduce the number of SIP ½ days ◦ Put SIP days on the PLC early release day Keep a consistent start time to the school day Use existing teacher contract time for PLC time Zero hour is a nuisance!

25 Putting Together the “Good Ideas” Proposal 1 is a compilation of all the good ideas combined into a “workable” solution. Feedback from the stakeholder survey was incorporated into the proposal. ◦N◦N o drastic time changes (6 minute earlier start) ◦R◦R educe total number of SIP days ◦O◦O nly a 30 minute early release on Wednesdays ◦U◦U sing existing time within the teacher contract ◦T◦T he proposal meets all the criteria ◦A◦A ll stakeholder groups share the “adjustment”

26 Proposal Review Process Proposals have been put into groups that have some similarities DLT members will review the proposals and apply the criteria to determine their feasibility Each team will provide written feedback on the proposals reviewed Teams will report out their findings

27 Grouped Proposals/Themes Common characteristics in the proposals… Group A- No schedule change or impact to the current school schedule (#6, 8, 12, 15) Group B- Changes to the current school day and/or school calendar (#2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13) Group C- Changes to the teacher workday/workweek (#5, 9, 10, 14) Combined Proposal- includes change in school day schedule, calendar and teacher workday (#1); each group will review

28 Proposal Criteria Proposals must be “system-wide” providing release time for ALL teachers K-12. Proposals must be “instructional time” neutral (no reduction in student total instructional minutes per week). Proposals must be as “teacher work day” neutral as possible (not adding minutes to the current teacher work day). Proposals must include at least 45 minutes between start/stop times of elementary and secondary schools. The middle and high school schedules need to be on the same/very similar schedule.


30 Group Assignments (A, B, C) “Letter Off by A, B, and C” Parents Teachers Administrators Board Members/Community Members/Students Support Staff and Others

31 Group A- No schedule change or impact to the current school schedule (#6, 8, 12, 15, 1) Group B- Changes to the current school day and/or school calendar (#2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 1) Group C- Changes to the teacher workday/workweek (#5, 9, 10, 14, 1) Combined Proposal- includes change in school day schedule, calendar and teacher workday (#1); each group will review this proposal

32 Next Steps 4-12  District Leadership Team meeting (scheduled).  Review proposals submitted by stakeholders.  Use “rubric” to “score” and determine which proposals.  Select the top proposals for consideration. 4-25 to 5-6  Bring together the District Leadership Team (if needed) to continue proposal selection process (to be scheduled).  Identify the top proposal that will be recommended to the board.  Determine if the recommendation can be implemented in the 2011-12 year or will need to wait until the 2012-13 school year.  Consider “phases” of implementation as appropriate. 5-11 or 6-8  Board of education meeting.  Make recommendation and presentation to the board of education regarding proposal for PLC time (if appropriate). 5-12/6-9 to 8-12  Communicate proposal to stakeholders.  Ensure effective stakeholder communication of any proposed changes.



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