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Clause as Exchange Mieke Miryanti

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Presentation on theme: "Clause as Exchange Mieke Miryanti"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clause as Exchange Mieke Miryanti

2 Mood Residue

3 Mood elements - Subject : a part of nominal group I, she, they, books … - Finite : a part of verbal group tense → is, were, has, will … modality→ can, would, must …

4 Yes/No Interrogative Has the duke given that teapot away Finite Subject Mood Declarative The duke has given away that teapot Subject Fn Mood

5 - the remainder of the clause - predicator, complement, adjunct
Residue - the remainder of the clause - predicator, complement, adjunct example: She is making a cake for her friends Subject Fn Residue Mood

6 - a verbal group minus finite studying, been waiting, taken … example:
Predicator - a verbal group minus finite studying, been waiting, taken … example: We are studying English now Subject Fn Predicator Mood Residue

7 - element within the residue
Complement - element within the residue example: The duke gave my aunt that teapot Subject past Fn give Predicator Complement Mood Residue

8 Adjunct (Circumstantial)
- prepositional phrases - adverbial phrases example: My aunt was given that teapot yesterday by the duke Subject Fn Pred. Complement Adjunct Mood Residue

9 Conjunctive Adjunct - clause initial - as (part of) the textual theme - clause final - between theme and rhyme - between mood and residue however, for instance, anyway …

10 probability, usuality, presumption,
Modal Adjunct - Mood Adjunct - Comment Adjunct probability, usuality, presumption, inclination, time, degree, and intensity example: Unfortunately however he can’t usually hear clearly on the telephone Comment Adjunct Conjunctive Adjunct S Fn Mood Adjunct Pred. Adj. Adjunct Mood Residue

11 - the order : Subject preceding Finite example:
WH – interrogative - the order : Subject preceding Finite example: where have all the flowers gone who killed Cock Robin Sub. / WH - (past) Fn kill Pred. Complement Mood Residue

12 - what or how → nominal or adverbial
Exclamative - what or how → nominal or adverbial - the order: Subject preceding Finite example: how neatly he spreads his claws Adjunct / WH- Subject (present) FN spread Predicator Complement Residue Mood

13 Imperatives - Finite plus Subject - have a mood tag come
into my parlour will you Predicator Adjunct Finite Subject Residue Mood Tag

14 Polarity positive - negative it ‘s raining - yes usually does Sub. Fn
Pred. Adjunct Mood Residue is that you - no Finite Subject Complement Adjunct Mood Residue

15 The End … Thank You !!! See You Later !!!

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