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12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 1 ExESS IT tool for SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface ExESS IT tool.

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Presentation on theme: "12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 1 ExESS IT tool for SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface ExESS IT tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 1 ExESS IT tool for SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface ExESS IT tool for SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface

2 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 2 ExESS IT toolbox

3 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 3 The complete IT solution for Chemicals Management

4 Structured folder with Pdf documents Structured folder with Pdf documents 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 4 Input from Other IT Application (orders) Input from Other IT Application (orders) MS SQL ExESS Inventory ExESS Chemicals Management Classification calculation ExESS Inventory ExESS Chemicals Management Classification calculation SDS batch, distribution, web SDS versioning SDS phrases/languages SDS, label and document templates Distribution lists SDS versioning SDS phrases/languages SDS, label and document templates Distribution lists Batch Document generation Batch Document generation www Information exchange through web browser : Chemical Product Info as label, SDS, SIC Input/output stock data Documents Information exchange through web browser : Chemical Product Info as label, SDS, SIC Input/output stock data Documents SMTP 1 1 2 2 3 3

5 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 5 SDS batch generation The SDS Batch Generation 1. Select one or more chemicals or trigger automatically a selection of a defined set of chemicals 2. Create for each selected chemical one or more SDS’s with the following definable parameters : the document format (Word or PDF) the document template (SDS, label, SIC, other…) the structure of the stored documents (Folder) the required languages the composition of the document name confirm automatically a date stamp to identify the batch time reference activate generation of different document types at the same time 1 1

6 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 6 SDS batch generation Select from the detail layout of a chemical and select 1 1

7 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 7 Identifier : ExESS Name of the batch generation data set Name : Name of the Batch Generation Data Set Report : Select batch report template Output format : Word or Pdf Root folder : Start of document network collection folder Time stamp field : Select field to adjust as time stamp Languages : Selection of document languages Filename script : HEMMIS script for automatic document name generation Identifier : ExESS Name of the batch generation data set Name : Name of the Batch Generation Data Set Report : Select batch report template Output format : Word or Pdf Root folder : Start of document network collection folder Time stamp field : Select field to adjust as time stamp Languages : Selection of document languages Filename script : HEMMIS script for automatic document name generation SDS batch generation 1 1

8 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 8 SDS batch generation result All defined documents are automatically stored in a certain structure, ready to be distributed manually or automized 1 1

9 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 9 Document (SDS) distribution The document (SDS) distribution is useful to : 1. Define triggers and conditions on which documents must be distributed to users and/or external persons (clients, suppliers,…) 2. Send revised SDS versions to existing clients by email 3. Send relevant SDS documents to new clients by email 4. Logfile to follow up automized distribution Define triggers Create or find document(s) Send documents by email 2 2

10 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 10 Document (SDS) distribution Based on : Distribution list Distribution settings Links and settings to mail system Logging of mailings Based on : Distribution list Distribution settings Links and settings to mail system Logging of mailings 2 2

11 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 11 Document (SDS) distribution 2 2

12 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 12 Document (SDS) distribution 2 2 The document (SDS) distribution can include by parametrization : 1.Tracking who (based on distribution list and date-condition) received in the past a document and who must receive an upgrade of this document 2.Tracking errors or logging communication problems 3.Automatic links to ERP information as : orders, new customers, recent changed uses or product information, …Information can lead to trigger conditions on which communication of documents must be activated

13 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 13 web interface Web interfaces are used to Distribute print ready documents : SIC; labels, SDS Give controlled access to trade product information to clients/distributors Track stock movements in labs …. In general, web interfaces allow restricted input and output of ExESS data 3 3

14 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 14 web interface 3 3 DEMO 1

15 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 15 Web based Search engine 3 3

16 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 16 Search Result 3 3

17 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 17 Information presentation 3 3

18 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 18 Label information 3 3

19 Stock entry 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 19 3 3

20 MSDS search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 20 Presentation and printout of Safety Data sheets via web interface to ExESS and PDF documents 3 3

21 SIC search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 21 Presentation and printout of Safety Instruction Cards via web interface to ExESS and PDF documents 3 3

22 MSDS search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 22 3 3

23 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 23 web interface 3 3 DEMO 2

24 MSDS/document search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 24 3 3

25 MSDS/document search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 25 3 3

26 MSDS/document search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 26 3 3

27 MSDS/document search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 27 3 3

28 MSDS/document search 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 28 3 3

29 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 29 PUBLICHEM interface 4 4 DEMO 3

30 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 30 PUBLICHEM interface 4 4

31 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 31 PUBLICHEM interface 4 4

32 12 January 2009SDS batch generation, distribution and web interface 32 Although the information in this presentation are presented in good faith and are believed to be correct at the time of compilation, LISAM is never responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information in this presentation  Compiled by Frans Lemaire, April 2011, Lisam : ExESS, more with less

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