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Capital Development – Immediate Facility Improvements (CD-IFI) Program HRSA-12-116 Notice of Award Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Development – Immediate Facility Improvements (CD-IFI) Program HRSA-12-116 Notice of Award Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Development – Immediate Facility Improvements (CD-IFI) Program HRSA-12-116 Notice of Award Technical Assistance

2  Describe the outcome of the Capital Development – Immediate Facility Improvements (CD-IFI) Program applications  Discuss critical compliance requirements  Review the terms and conditions of the CD-IFI Notice of Awards (NoA)  Explain the process for CD-IFI post-award submission and review Objectives 2

3  HRSA awarded $99.3 million in CD-IFI awards to 227 health center grantees  Health centers proposed up to five alteration/renovation projects within each application  The funded applications include 317 alteration/renovation projects Awards 3

4  Activity Code: C8B  Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number: 93.526  Announcement Number: HRSA-12-116  Separate PMS sub-account code located in Box 17 of the NoA  Funds must be accounted for and reported separately (from section 330 funds and from other ACA funds) –CD-IFI funds should be drawn down proportionately as costs are incurred Administrative Notes 4

5  Costs incurred prior to 90 days before the award date  Costs that do not meet federal procurement guidelines as listed in 45 CFR 74.40 – 74.48 or Part 92  Land and building purchases or lease payments  Operating costs (e.g., funding direct health care services, clinical full-time equivalents, rent, mortgage payments)  Permanent relocation costs  Expenditures for personnel unrelated to the project  Mobile vans  EHR systems and licenses  Abatement of site and building hazardous material  Disposable office, medical, or educational supplies Ineligible Costs 5

6  Review all terms and conditions of the NoA  Submitted project budgets should reflect the total project related costs (Federal and Non-Federal)  Prior to receiving final HRSA approval, Award Recipients may only incur costs related to non-construction activities: –preparation/preliminary work (site plans, architectural and engineering schematics, environmental and historic preservation requirements) –Purchase of moveable equipment  All project conditions must be lifted prior to beginning physical construction or renovation activities (including abatement, demolition, or grading)  Once HRSA has approved the required submissions, a revised NoA will be issued that clearly lifts the restrictive condition, indicating that work may proceed with the project Beginning Projects 6

7  A grant handbook for the C8B grant has been created in the grantee’s portfolio in EHB  The project director needs to ensure he/she has added the CD-IFI grant to the portfolio and that the correct grantee staff are assigned to roles and functions in the C8B Grant Handbook  The following EHB Help Resource can guide you through these processes: – _management#HowToAdd _management#HowToAdd Grant Handbook 7

8 Roles - Project Officer  Monitor conditions  Review revised budgets, schematics, concept /site plans, and construction timelines  Assist with pre-implementation  Review and process prior approval requests  Ongoing program/project monitoring and technical assistance  Closeout 8

9 Roles - Grants Management Specialist  Review revised budgets, federal interest, lease documentation  Process prior approval requests  Approve Project Director changes  Provide ongoing financial and grants management monitoring and technical assistance  Closeout 9

10 Electronic Document Submissions in EHB  Grantees must submit all documents required as a condition of award on the NoA directly to EHB  HRSA Program or Grants Office Personnel may also request other information through the EHB  By default, the Project Director will have access to all reports and submissions  All other users must be given privileges to view, edit, or submit by the Project Director or other user with the ability to Administer User Privileges in the Grant Handbook 10

11 Condition Deliverables and Due Dates  If an extension to a submission deadline is needed: –Please discuss with your assigned C8B Project Officer and/or Grants Management Specialist –Sufficient justification will be needed when requesting an extension Describe the impact of the extension on the overall construction timeline  Conditions with Award Issue Date deadlines: –be aware that the actual deadline for these conditions is from the date the awards are released to Award Recipients, which may be a later date than the Award Issue Date in Box 1 of the NoA 11

12  The federal government always retains interest in property constructed, acquired, or improved with federal funds: –A/R projects with total (federal and non-federal) costs more than $500,000 (excluding moveable equipment) must file a Notice of Federal Interest (NFI) –Applicants not required to file an NFI (A/R projects with total federal and non-federal costs less than $500,000) Federal Interest still exists Maintain documentation regarding protection of all Federal Interest  Resources can be found at Federal Interest 12

13 Federal Interest – Leased Property  Lessors/property owners must agree in writing to the proposed A&R projects and to subordinate its interest to those of the federal government. The lessor/property owner must agree to include in the lease agreement clauses that indicate the continued rights of the recipient/federal government in the event that the lessor/property owner of record changes.  Grantees must maintain documentation to include communications between the lessor/property owner and the lessee related to protecting such interest, in accordance with the standard award terms and conditions. 13

14  Funds may not be used to pay lease costs  Funds for a leased property cannot address needs that are part of the terms of the lease (i.e., the responsibility of the lessor/property owner)  If funds address improvements that would impact terms of the lease (e.g., double paned windows) applicants must have written evidence of negotiated offset in the rent  The Landlord Letter of Consent/Statement of Agreement from the facility owner must address the following components: –Approval of the scope of the project –Agreement to provide the applicant health center reasonable control of the project site for required number of years –Agreement to file an NFI in the land records of the local jurisdiction before the project begins (if the proposed project is greater than $500,000)  HRSA will determine if the term of the lease is sufficient for the full value of the grant- supported improvements to benefit the grant activity. HRSA will take into account the purpose and duration of the grant, the expected life of the facility, and the use of the facility for grant-supported purposes.  The lease agreement must provide the applicant reasonable control Leasehold Improvements 14

15  Most projects will include several conditions for environmental and/or historic preservation reviews and compliance with federal laws –DO NOT begin construction or draw down funds for demolition, site preparation, or construction activities until these conditions have been approved and are lifted –PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY in project schedules. Consultation under Section 106, takes a minimum of a month to prepare, while an Environmental Assessment may take several additional months to prepare, review, and distribute for public comment. –Grant recipients should work closely with their Project Officer and environmental reviewer  Technical assistance for environmental and historic preservation requirements is available at Environmental and Historic Preservation Conditions 15

16  Grantees must use CD-IFI funding to renovate the space that will be utilized directly by the health center to support health center operations consistent with the 330 program  CD-IFI funds may not be used to support space which will be utilized and/or rented by other entities, to include sub-recipients or sub- contractors  Utilizing federal funds to generate revenue (e.g., charging rent for space constructed with federal funds) is an ineligible use of federal funds  Use of the space for mortgage/financing, or change in use of space (leasing, sale, etc.) must have prior approval from HRSA Use of Space 16

17 Procurement Rules  Grantees are reminded to comply with procurement regulations that apply to federal grantees –Technical assistance on this topic is available at –ALL goods and services equal or greater than $100,000 must be competitively bid  The simplified acquisition threshold applies to work < $100,000 –Recipients should keep in mind that they still need to get more than one quote (not bids) for the work to determine that the costs are reasonable, and the threshold shall not be broken down into several purchases or artificially reduced to smaller quantities to permit negotiations under simplified acquisition procedures 17

18 Other Policy Requirements  Projects must also be compliant with the following: –Uniform Relocation Assistance, 45 CFR Part 15 –ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Building and Facilities (28 CFR Part 36) –Real Property insurance, maintenance, disposition, and federal interest, 45 CFR Part 74.31-.37, and 92.31 and DHHS Grants Policy Statement 18

19 Award Recipients are encouraged to consider the following:  NFPA 101 Life Safety Code (2000 edition)  AIA Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities (2009 edition)  Sustainable design practices for both renovation and construction –Green Guide for Health Care –Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design principles (LEED)  Sustainable Equipment Purchases –Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Silver Rated products http://www.epeat.net –Energy Star Products http://www.energystar.gov Design Considerations 19

20 Reporting  Quarterly Progress Report (beginning October 1, 2012 in EHB) –Project completion status (percent complete) –Actual versus projected budget information – uses of CD-IFI grant funds –Construction Schedule  Federal Financial Report (FFR) – annual submission –PMS Quarterly Cash Transaction Report –Annual submission  Federal Funding and Transparency Act Reporting (FFATA) 20

21 Monitoring—Required  The following documentation must be submitted during the course of the project –Project Implementation Certification (120 days from award issue date) –Certification of Final Design (270 days from award issue date) –Bonding Coverage Certification (270 days from award issue date) –Construction Contract Information (270 days from award issue date) a copy of the selected contract, certified by the hired architect the formal recommendation of award a statement of determination that the selected contractor is not on the US General Services Administration Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-Procurement Programs (debarred list) if the contract is awarded to any qualified bidder other than the lowest bidder, provide proper documentation for your decision a copy of the award letter(s)  Templates can be found at 21

22 Monitoring (as necessary)  Additional documentation may be requested to verify the status of the project, such as: –Milestone chart/construction schedule –Field observation reports –Application and certificate for payment (AIA G702) –Specific documentation (such as permits and invoices) as necessary 22

23 Closeout  Closeout documentation is required within 30 days of the completion of the CD-IFI project  The closeout documentation consists of the following items: –Photos of the completed project –Final budget information –Project Completion Certification A certificate of occupancy A certificate of substantial completion Property insurance  Tangible Personal Property Report (SF-428) 23

24 EHB Help Resources ResourceTypePurpose e.asp WebsiteHRSA Electronic Handbooks URL Call the HRSA Call Center at 877-Go4-HRSA/877-464-4772 or 301-998-7373 (9:00 AM to 5:30 PM ET M-F) Email: Phone and/or Email For assistance accessing EHB or with user names and passwords Do not use this for program questions Call the BPHC Help Line at 1-877-974-BPHC (8:30 AM to 5:30 PM ET M-F) Email: Phone and/or Email For program specific help and system issues Program help by phone or email 24

25 CD Post-Award Technical Assistance  TA call presentation materials and transcripts will be available at  Technical assistance materials will be posted at  Submission templates  Programmatic FAQs  Environmental review forms and compliance FAQs  Historic Preservation FAQs sheets  Procurement FAQs  Federal Interest FAQs 25

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