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Adobe Flex as RIA 2008-2009 1 Adobe Flex as RIA Developed by Sagar K Developing Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex, ActionScript.

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Presentation on theme: "Adobe Flex as RIA 2008-2009 1 Adobe Flex as RIA Developed by Sagar K Developing Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex, ActionScript."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adobe Flex as RIA Email: 2008-2009 1 Adobe Flex as RIA Developed by Sagar K Developing Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex, ActionScript and Java

2 Adobe Flex as RIA Email: 2008-2009 2 Topics Part 1: Introduction to Adobe Flex Part 2: Working with Flex Builder and options Part 3: Basics of Flex and Getting Familiar with Flex Family Tree Part 4: Events and Controls Part 5: Start designing Application with Containers/ Controls and Layouts Part 6: Extensive Use of View States for Design Part 7: Working with Navigation Part 8: Application Styling and Custom ways to style (Using Flash File ) Part 9: MXML and ActionScript Data Models and Usages of Data Models Part 10: Working with external data (XML, HTTPService) Part 11: Working with Repeaters and Tile controls Part 12: Working with DataGrid and Advanced DataGrid Part 13: Working with validation and Formatting Data Part 14: Setting up web project and Working with RemoteObject

3 Adobe Flex as RIA Email: 2008-2009 3 Understanding rich Internet applications Flex as RIA Different RIA platforms discussion Understanding the Flex Builder, Flex SDK and other available resources like Data Services, charting,BlazeDS, OpenSource components. What is Flash Player/ AVM (Backbone of Flex as RIA) Flex as application process (MXML to SWF ) Part 1: Introduction to Adobe Flex What we are going to learn and Understand?

4 Adobe Flex as RIA Email: 2008-2009 4 Basics of Eclipse and Flex Builder (Editors/Views/ Debug modes/ Perspectives) Creating a Hell World project and application Fundamentals of MXML and ActionScript Part 2: Working with Flex Builder and options What we are going to learn and Understand?

5 Adobe Flex as RIA Email: 2008-2009 5 Setting the layout property and container properties Adding UI controls Working with components properties Understanding of various types of containers with the Flex Component Explorer (Online URL ) Behind the scene scenario of containers Thinking about Architecting the Flex as RIA application Work with Containers/ Canvas Creating Simple login form and validating using basic validation of ActionScript Using the Added data Creating Custom components and adding properties/ methods and controls With reference of Added data working with Bindable metadata. Understanding Demo completed files in Bin folder Part 3: Basics of Flex and Getting Familiar with Flex Family Tree What we are going to learn and Understand?

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