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URBISAmazônia Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multi-Resolution Data. Dal’Alasta, Ana Paula; Brigatti, Newton.

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Presentation on theme: "URBISAmazônia Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multi-Resolution Data. Dal’Alasta, Ana Paula; Brigatti, Newton."— Presentation transcript:

1 URBISAmazônia Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multi-Resolution Data. Dal’Alasta, Ana Paula; Brigatti, Newton ; AMARAL, S. ; Sobral Escada, Maria Isabel ; Vieira Monteiro, Antonio Miguel. Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Landsat and CBERS Multi-Resolution Imagery. Remote Sensing, v. 4, p. 68-87, 2012., Extensive Urbanization The Network of Localities and the Concept of an Extensive Urbanization for the Amazon Region Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro and Ana Cláudia Duarte Cardoso on behalf of the Coletivo URBISAMAZÔNIA. Project URBISAMAZÔNIA: What is the nature of the urban phenomenon in the contemporary Amazônia? Cities, places, and networks in the multi-scale confi guration of the urban setting in contemporary Amazônia. GLP News. Issue n. 8. March, 2012.


3 Unidades espaciais de ocupação humana: - 1 associada a erosão do solo (falso positivo) - 23 núcleos com população associada; - 5 madeireiras - 4 sedes de fazenda - 2 pistas de pouso - 1 centro comunitário - 1 usina - 1 abrigo para gado ** Setores especiais: vila militar (Itacimpasa) Field Work – Sepetember 2010

4 Limit of the Spatial Units of Human Occupation obtained from Landsat TM for Novo Progresso over CBERS CCD/HRC fused image (A), and the Spatial Patterns Mapping (B).

5 A) Itaituba - central commercial area; B) Itaituba - sparse residential occupation; C) Santarém - residential area with wealthy construction pattern. Spatial Units of Human Occupation Spatial Units of Human Occupation – Pop. Resident Categories of spatial units of human occupation mapped and evaluated during fieldwork

6 A) occupation of Belterra; B) American-style building - the school at Vila Bode. Spatial Units of Human Occupation Spatial Units of Human Occupation – Cities and Communities Categories of spatial units of human occupation mapped and evaluated during fieldwork

7 (A) a road with a commercial center, (B) commercial establishments, (C) a peripheral street, (D) sparse housing occupation and (E) housing on stilts (palafitas) Categories of spatial units of human occupation mapped and evaluated during fieldwork

8 (A)Taboca; (B) Aruri; (C) Nova Canaã. Categories of spatial units of human occupation mapped and evaluated during fieldwork

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