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Uma Rede de Tecnologia e Qualidade ISQ FRIENDCOPTER Integration of Technologies In Support of Passenger And Environmentally Friendly Helicopter instituto.

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Presentation on theme: "Uma Rede de Tecnologia e Qualidade ISQ FRIENDCOPTER Integration of Technologies In Support of Passenger And Environmentally Friendly Helicopter instituto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uma Rede de Tecnologia e Qualidade ISQ FRIENDCOPTER Integration of Technologies In Support of Passenger And Environmentally Friendly Helicopter instituto de soldadura e qualidade Aristides José Chaves (Engenheiro Mecânico)

2 Friendcopter – Facts Research and Technological Development Project within the European Community Sixth Framework Program; Consortium with 34 Affiliates, including helicopter manufacturers, research institutions and universities; Duration 54 months – 01.03.2004 to 01.09.2008 Project cost 32.49 M€ Project funding 18.23 M€ 01 / 12

3 Friendcopter – Goals Acoustic footprint areas reduced between 30% and 50% depending on the flight condition; A reduction of fuel consumption by 6% in high speed flight; Cabin noise levels below 75dBA, similar to airliner cabins for normal cruise; Cabin vibrations below 0,05g corresponding to jet smooth ride comfort, for the same flight regime area. 02 / 12

4 Friendcopter – Measures Short term (actual contract); Low noise flight procedures, quiet engine in/outlets, quiet cabin, distributed blade actuation (lab and model tests). Long term (to be addressed in the 7th FWP): Development and test of a globally Quiet Engine and of Active Blade Control by distributed blade actuation. 03 / 12

5 Friendcopter – Project Structure WP1 Specifications 04 / 12 WP2 Noise Abatement Flight Procedures WP3 Engine Noise Reduction WP4 Cabin Noise Reduction WP5 Rotor Noise Control WP6 Exploitation Coordinator/Management

6 Friendcopter – WP2 Exploitation Potential Low noise approach procedures of 3 common helicopter types; Availability of SW Tool for helicopter designers, local heliport and certifying authorities: Able to predict the noise signature of any helicopter type for a given descent path; Capable to predict low noise approach procedures of any helicopter type. 05 / 12

7 Friendcopter – WP3 Exploitation Potential Quieter and more efficient helicopter engines: Noise reduction treatment at inlet and outlet; Lower inlet pressure losses. 06 / 12

8 Friendcopter – WP4 Exploitation Potential Quieter cabin by: Quieter gear boxes; Better insulation against structure borne and airborne noise transmission. 07 / 12

9 Friendcopter – WP5 Exploitation Potential Technologies for Active Blade Control by distributed actuation for noise and vibration reduction, blade damping and power saving. 08 / 12 A A

10 Friendcopter – WP2: Noise Abatement Procedures Objective: To lay foundations for future noise limit regulations (prenormative research), by means of a common European methodology for minimization of neighborhood annoyance:  consolidated, representative, measurable annoyance criteria;  practical, repeatable, affordable, standardized flight testing techniques;  standardized data reduction and footprint production tools;  flight proven footprint minimization methods. 09 / 12

11 Friendcopter – WP2: Noise Abatement Procedures Organization of the tasks: 10 / 12 T2.1 Quantified needs and objectives T2.2 Prediction of Noise reduction T2.3 Flight Testing T2.4 Test Result Analysis T2.5 Conclusions and Guidelines WP2 Coordination

12 Friendcopter – WP2: Noise Abatement Procedures T2.3 Flight Testing Objectives:  To produce footprint data bases during different flight procedures and for different helicopters.  To establish an experimental methodology for measuring noise footprint and finding practical helicopter noise abatement.  To validate such abatement procedures for the helicopter types under consideration:  EC130: single engine, 3 bladed main rotor, fenestron tail rotor;  A109: twin engine, 4 bladed main rotor, conventional tail rotor;  EC135: twin engine, 4 bladed main rotor, fenestron tail rotor. 11 / 12

13 Friendcopter – Summary 12 / 12 Today's helicopters need to be improved further with respect to environmental and public acceptance. Helicopters generate external noise, cabin noise and vibration due to the complex nature of their dynamic systems and suffer from NOx emission; like other transportation systems. It is therefore very essential that the new generation rotorcraft address these issues to improve the situation, to make them environmentally friendly and acceptable to the general public.

14 Uma Rede de Tecnologia e Qualidade Thank you!

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