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Animation Sense Animated autoshapes Animating text boxes to make connections Transforming linear text into mini animation Grouping objects and progressive.

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Presentation on theme: "Animation Sense Animated autoshapes Animating text boxes to make connections Transforming linear text into mini animation Grouping objects and progressive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animation Sense Animated autoshapes Animating text boxes to make connections Transforming linear text into mini animation Grouping objects and progressive animation Building up animation

2 Matching Grade 8 and 9 Expectations with Information Studies LI1.06D Grade 9 English - Literature Studies and Reading –use specific evidence from a text to support opinions and judgements (e.g., formally debate issues raised in a text) LI1.06D Grade 9 English - Literature Studies and Reading –use specific evidence from a text to support opinions and judgements (e.g., formally debate issues raised in a text) Inquiry and Research: Grade 9 –Reasoning: design criteria to evaluate information –Organizing: chart concept formation Inquiry and Research: Grade 9 –Reasoning: design criteria to evaluate information –Organizing: chart concept formation 8e2Grade 8 English Language –use writing for various purposes and in a range of contexts, including school work (e.g., to explore social issues) 8e2Grade 8 English Language –use writing for various purposes and in a range of contexts, including school work (e.g., to explore social issues) Inquiry and Research: Grade 8 –Reasoning: examine assumptions and bias in information –Organizing: use matrices to record variables for decision making Inquiry and Research: Grade 8 –Reasoning: examine assumptions and bias in information –Organizing: use matrices to record variables for decision making

3 Comparison of Research Frameworks Stage 1: Preparing for Research Section 1: Preparing for Research Stage 2: Accessing Resources Section 2: Accessing Resources Stage 3: Processing Information Section 3: Processing Information Stage 4: Transferring Learning Section 4: Assessing & Extending Research Information StudiesInterdisciplinary Studies

4 revise product appropriate to purpose, audience and format present research findings in a variety of forms for a variety of audiences reflect on and evaluate product and process transfer new information skills and knowledge to solve problems and make decisions. comparing and modifying research assessing research methods and solutions criteria for assessing research new topics and real-life applications Stage 4: Transferring Learning Section 4: Assessing & Extending Research Information StudiesInterdisciplinary Studies

5 Comparing and Modifying Research assess the quality and effectiveness of their research in comparison to similar research conducted by others (e.g., by recognizing the difference between professional research into year-round schooling and student interviews conducted in a local school)

6 Comparing and Modifying Research assess the quality and effectiveness of their research in comparison to similar research conducted by others (e.g., by recognizing the difference between professional research into year-round schooling and student interviews conducted in a local school)

7 comparing and modifying research How can I incorporate new international data into my report on local fitness initiatives? assessing research methods and solutions What lessons for community leadership can my report offer? criteria for assessing research What criteria can I use to assess my plan for new recreational facilities? new topics and real-life applications How can schools promote community learning pro-grams among students? Section 4: Assessing & Extending Research Interdisciplinary Studies

8 Conceptual Framework Strand 2: Processes & Methods of Research 4. Assessing and Extending Research Comparing and Modifying Research New Topics and Real-Life Applications Assessing Research Methods and Solutions Criteria for Assessing Research How can I incorporate new international data into my report on local fitness initiatives? What lessons for community leadership can my report offer? How can schools promote community learning pro- grams among students? What criteria can I use to assess my plan for new recreational facilities? [e.g., Information Management and Community Leadership]

9 R e l a t e E x p l o r e I d e n t i f y D e f i n e Lo cate Gather Select Collaborate Analyse Evaluate Test Sort Synthesize Revise Present R e f l ec t T r a n s f e r Stage 1 : Preparing for Research Stage 2 : Accessing Resources Stage 3 : Processing Information Stage 4 : Transferring Learning 1. Introduction THE PROCESS OF INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Information Studies: Kindergarten - Grade 12

10 R e l a t e E x p l o r e I d e n t i f y D e f i n e Lo cate Gather Select Collaborate Analyse Evaluate Test Sort Synthesize Revise Present R e f l ec t T r a n s f e r Stage 1 : Preparing for Research Stage 2 : Accessing Resources Stage 3 : Processing Information Stage 4 : Transferring Learning 1. Introduction THE PROCESS OF INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Information Studies: Kindergarten - Grade 12

11 R e l a t e E x p l o r e I d e n t i f y D e f i n e Stage 1 : Preparing for Research THE PROCESS OF INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Information Studies: Kindergarten - Grade 12

12 Year-round Schooling Marks Time Cost Research Stage 1 Mind-Mapping as Defining

13 Year-round Schooling Marks Time Cost Research Stage 1 Mind-Mapping as Defining

14 Year-round Schooling Marks Time Cost Research Stage 1 Mind-Mapping as Exploring and Relating TestsExamsAssignments Holidays Homework Forgetting Heat /Light Attendance

15 Year-round Schooling Marks Time Cost Research Stage 2 Mind-Mapping as Gathering TestsExamsAssignments Holidays Homework Forgetting Heat /Light Attendance Student Achievement

16 Year-round Schooling Student Achievement Time Cost Research Stage 2 Mind-Mapping as Collaborating TestsExamsAssignments Holidays Homework Forgetting Heat /Light Attendance School Calendar

17 PROS Year-round Schooling CONS Research Stage 3 Mind-Mapping as Analysing/Evaluating Marks Cost Time Sources Marks Cost Time Sources

18 Year-round Schooling Research Stage 3 Mind-Mapping as Synthesizing Pros Cons SOURCES TIME Pros Cons MARKS Pros Cons COST Pros Cons

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