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MEL 4E.  Graphing data can make it easier to quickly see trends. There are different types of graphs which each show and compare data.

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Presentation on theme: "MEL 4E.  Graphing data can make it easier to quickly see trends. There are different types of graphs which each show and compare data."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEL 4E

2  Graphing data can make it easier to quickly see trends. There are different types of graphs which each show and compare data

3  Used to compare quantities  Data is categorical  Ex. monthly snowfall What grade has the most students? What grade has the least students?How many students are in grade 11? What trend do you see for the number of students across all grades?

4  1. Create the axes  2. Add a scale  3. Add titles to the axes  4. Plot the bars  5. Add a descriptive title


6 Horizontal axis: use categories Vertical axis: Max is 450 9 intervals possible 450/9 = 50 So scale is 50!


8 GradeNumber of Students 9 200 10 275 11 325 12 350


10  Used to compare 2 similar sets of data ex. Boys and girls ** ALWAYS Needs a Legend**

11  Used to compare data  Data is continuous  Numbers are grouped to form a continuous range from left to right  Ex. Allowance

12  Same as the bar graph but the horizontal scale must be continuous  Range is inclusive i.e $5 fits into $5-$10 rather than $0-$5 How many people scored between 0-20% ?

13 $5, $10, $5, $20$0, $4.50, $10, $12 $0, $20, $15, $5$25, $5, $20, $15



16  Useful for showing relationships (like change over time)  Data is ordinal  Ex. Average temperature What grade did a person with 20 absences get? How many absences did a person who got 60% have? What grade would you expect a student with 17 absences to get? What can you say about the relationship between grades and absences

17  Same as the bar graph but... ◦ Plot dots instead of bars ◦ Connect points with a ruler ◦ Horizontal scale must be in numerical order Absences Grade 2 90 5 75 8 80 14 60 20 40 24 32

18  Used to compare 2 similar sets of data that change over time Number of children who are adopted and brought into foster care vs. time

19  Used when sections represents portions of a whole  Ex. Percent who chose pizza What percent of people chose Apple pie? If 100 people took the survey, how many chose Pecan pie? If 50 people took the survey, how many chose pumpkin? How could you estimate the percent of people who chose cherry pie if the label was not included?

20  Each dot represents 1/100 of the circle  Count out the percent of the circle for each category  Use a ruler to separate the pieces

21  A descriptive title  Labels on each axes/Segment  A scale  Units  Data Points!

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