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REPASO 4º ESO. Present simple + - ? he/ she / it : -s -es (plays, goes) Conson + y = – ies (study- studies) O = es (go – goes) S, x, ch, sh = es (watch-

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Presentation on theme: "REPASO 4º ESO. Present simple + - ? he/ she / it : -s -es (plays, goes) Conson + y = – ies (study- studies) O = es (go – goes) S, x, ch, sh = es (watch-"— Presentation transcript:


2 Present simple + - ? he/ she / it : -s -es (plays, goes) Conson + y = – ies (study- studies) O = es (go – goes) S, x, ch, sh = es (watch- watches/ mix-mixes ) Don`t Doesn´t + verb We don´t study She doesn´t study A + S + V ? Do you study ? Does she study? + We study English My sister watches TV - We don´t study English My sister doesn´t watch TV ? Do we study English? Does my sister watch TV? Time expressions  freq. Adv : always, never, sometimes, usually…  every day, every week…  on Mondays ….

3 El verbo “to be “ se usa de forma distinta al resto de los verbos en inglés. Es un verbo irregular Be Was /Were Been Así que el Present Simple del verbo to be es: I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are +- ? I am not You aren´t He isn´t She isn´t It isn´t We aren´t You aren´t They aren´t Am I..? Are You..? Is he.. ? Is she..? Is it..? Are we..? Are you..? Are they..?

4 Lo mismo ocurre con el verbo “have got” – que significa tener-poseer. Aquí igual que con “to be” no hace falta un auxiliar para hacer las formas negativa e interrogativa. Así el Present Simple del verbo “have got” será. +-? I have got You have got He has got She has got It has got We have got You have got They have got I haven´t got You haven´t got He hasn´t got She hasn´t got It hasn´t got We haven´t got You haven´t got They haven´t got Have I got ? Have you got ? Has he got ? Has she got? Has it got ? Have we got ? Have you got ? Have they got ?

5 There is Hay… Singular + - ? There isn´tIs there..? plural There areThere aren´tAre there..? There is + a + contable singular There is + some + incontable There are + some + contable plural + - There isn´t + a + contable singular There isn´t + any + incontable There aren´t + any + contable plural ? Is there + a + contable singular Is there + any + incontable Are there + any + contable plural

6 Recuerda….. a /an delante de los contables singular contables plural some + delante de incontables contables plural any _ ? delante de incontables

7 How much? How many? uncountable Countable plural ¿ cuánto / a ? How much money have you got ? ¿ cuántos / as ? How many friends have you got?

8 present continuous Am Is Are + V-ing + I am studying you are studying he is studying - ?  V monosilábicos q terminan en 1 vocal + 1 cons., doblan cons. Run—running swim—swimming  V de dos sílabas y acento en la 2ª, doblan consonante Begin—beginning  Verbos que acaban en l, doblan l Travel—travelling  Verbos que acaban en -ie, cambia a y + ing Die—dying I am not studying You aren´t studying He isn´t studying A + S + V ? Am I studying? Are you studying? Is he studying? Time expressions at the moment now, just now Today Look !

9 1 My friends / not swim (study French) ________________________________________________ 2 You / not listen (watch TV) _________________________________________ 3 He / not meet friends (go on holiday) _________________________________________ 4 We / not play football (work) _________________________________________ 5 Grandma / not cook (have dinner) _________________________________________ Write pairs of sentences. Use the present continuous. My friends aren’t swimming. They’re studying French You aren’t listening. You’re watching TV. He isn’t meeting friends. He’s going on holiday. We aren’t playing football. We’re working. Grandma isn’t cooking. She’s having dinner.

10 Past simple Regular - ed Irregular 2ª col  acaban en –e añaden solo d Arrive—arrived  monosilábicos q acaban en 1 vocal + 1 consonante, dobla conson. Stop—stopped  dos sílabas y acento en la 2ª, dobla cons Permit—permitted  Verbos que acaban en consonante + y, cambia a i + ed Study—studied + - ? V- ed played 2ª col went Didn´t + V S + didn´t play S + didn´t go S + A + S + V ? Did + S + play ? Did + S + go ? I played football yesterday She went to the cinema last Friday I didn´t play football yesterday She didn´t go to the cinema last Friday Did you play football yesterday? Did she go to the cinema last Friday? + - ?

11 El verbo “to be” es irregular. El past simple es was / were ( be was/were been) Y al igual que ocurre en present simple el “to Be” NO necesita auxiliar para las formas negativa e interrogativa. I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were I wasn´t You weren´t He wasn´t She wasn´t It wasn´t We weren´t You weren´t They weren´t Was I..? Were you..? Was he..? Was she..? Was it..? Were we..? Were you..? Were they..? Yes, I was No, I wasn´t Yes, you were.. + - ?

12 Comparatives Superlatives Adjetivo + er More + adjetivo + than Longer than More expensive than Adjetivo + est Most + adjetivo The The longest The most expensive Good better the best Bad worse the worst

13 To be going to + infinitivo. Am Is Are + going to + infinitivo  I am going to go to the beach this weekend.  David is going to study English tomorrow  My parents are going to buy a new car next month Am not Isn´t Aren´t + going to + infinitivo + -  I am not going to go to the beach this weekend.  David isn´t going to study English tomorrow  My parents aren´t going to buy a new car next month ? S + +S Am Is Are + going to + infinitivo..?  Are you going to go to the beach this weekend?  Is David going to study English tomorrow ?  Are my parents going to buy a new car next month ?

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