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PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Wendy Byrne CAREER and TRANSITION ADVISER UPDATE Vocational Learning, Career Education for school students November.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Wendy Byrne CAREER and TRANSITION ADVISER UPDATE Vocational Learning, Career Education for school students November."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Wendy Byrne CAREER and TRANSITION ADVISER UPDATE Vocational Learning, Career Education for school students November 2014

2 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U ‘ So tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ’

3 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U 1. Some students make the transition remarkably easily and unassisted Some students need extra support and attention Often just need someone to take an interest in them – resilience 2. Career Development perspective  the process of managing your life, learning and work  lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transitions in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving future  National Career Development Strategy Australian Government-2012DEEWR National Career Development Strategy Australian Government-2012DEEWR  Core Skills for Work Framework Australian Government-2013 DEEWR Core Skills for Work Framework Australian Government-2013 DEEWR  School Career Development Service- Benchmarking Resource CICA School Career Development Service- Benchmarking Resource CICA Underpinning influences

4 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U STW Program in government schools ….  To strengthen the transition support to students who are at risk of disengaging from school  …introduce coordinated career and transition team… NSW Education Amendment Bill From 2010 all students in New South Wales will, as a minimum, complete year 10 and, until they are 17 years old, continue to be engaged in some form of education, training or employment.” (Hansard) Policy Context in NSW

5 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Goal 15: Improve education and learning outcomes for all students Education… gives students the support and tools to achieve throughout their lives and improve access to post-school education, training and employment opportunities. Target: More students finish high school or equivalent What are the priority actions? NSW 2021- State Plan (2011)

6 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Increase access to quality retention programs for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 and develop resources to support students to plan their education and training goals for the future Work with schools and other education providers, businesses, community and other organisations to support improved attainments and post school learning and employment pathways, especially for Aboriginal students Provide innovative and tailored learning opportunities, mentoring and case management strategies to assist students facing disadvantage, including regional and rural students, Aboriginal students, students from backgrounds where English is not their first language and students with a disability. NSW Premier’s Priority Actions:

7 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Public Schools NSW Strategic Directions 2012-17 Strategic priority: High expectations, closing the gaps Key strategies to support this priority: Improve the achievement and inclusion of specific under-performing and under- represented groups Close the gap in life outcomes between Aboriginal Australians and other Australians Support successful transitions to tertiary education and increase the number of students completing tertiary education, and Partner with industry to provide training that meets the knowledge and skills needs, and to support enterprise and employment in communities. Dept. of Education & Communities (DEC) Strategic Directions

8 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U 1.Aboriginal education 2.Connected Communities 3.Early Action For Success 4.Every Student, Every School 5.Great Teaching, Inspired Learning 6.Local Schools Local Decisions 7.Resource Allocation model 8.Rural and Remote Education Blueprint for Action DEC reforms and priorities

9 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Social inclusion + Participation and productivity agenda + International competitiveness Melbourne Declaration, 2008 Compact with Young Australians, 2009 National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions 2009- 2013 (4 streams) and extended for 2014 (3 streams) NSW NP YAT Implementation Plan Attainment target so that by 2015, 90 per cent of 20-24 year olds will have attained Year 12 or equivalent or Certificate II or above. Australian Curriculum National Career Development Strategy Core Skills For Work Developmental Framework National agenda….. “…equip all young Australians with the essential skills, knowledge and capabilities to thrive and compete in a globalised world and information rich workplaces of the current century."

10 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Students First Teacher quality School autonomy Engaging parents in education Strengthening the curriculum Generation Success: youth employment initiative An industry–led initiative to draw attention to youth unemployment and provide tips and advice- range of resources Job Services Australia Stay posted. Current contract ends 30 June 2015. Australian Government

11 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U 1.Just in time support! 2.Targeted 3.Develop strong rapport 4.Holistic – may be other barriers 5.Become an advocate on behalf of students 6.Embrace opportunities inside/outside school 7.Collect and collate data to measure success 8.Contribute/align your expertise as member of C&T team See Dave Turner’s Outcomes, Achievements and Lessons Learnt (2011) TA case studies – 2011+ Why are CAs and TAs so critical in schools?

12 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Engaging in learning Workplace, authentic, student–led, for a real purpose, real audience Engaging with employers, and in new waysnew ways Engaging with their family members Engaging with the wider community Specialist support We can’t do it alone….


14 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U School to Work Annual Report and Overview 2013


16 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U myfuture What’s New? (intranet) Contact Keith Hamlyn in SP on 9266 8130 Workplace Learning Programs Workplace Learning Some working essentials

17 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Mandatory Work Placement for VET subjectsWork Placement An online resource, - Go2WorkPlacement ( assists students enrolled in HSC VET courses to get the most out of their work placement.- http://www.workplacement.nsw.e

18 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U 2014 - 2015 Resource and links…. Careers Advisory Service Careers Advisory Service

19 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Vocational Learning Vocational Learning ……….VL across the curriculum Work/vl/index.html School to Work transition planning STW Fact Sheet: Work/program-Overview/index.html Work/program-Overview/index.html STW jump site for all: Internet: Intranet: Work/index.html Work/index.html More key resources


21 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U DEC’s Student Pathways Survey/Plan – via portal DEC’s Logbook Online – intranet only The Real Game series Helping students imagine the future they want to create! Learn It For Life (LIFL) Pathways-Planning/resources.html Pathways-Planning/resources.html The Adventures of You (2014) Career decision making – executive function guide students/the-adventures-of-you students/the-adventures-of-you Make sure you know about….

22 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Syllabuses Stage 4-5 BOSTES Work Education + ACARA’s Stage 5 Work Studies (Oct 2014) Stage 6 BOSTES Work Studies Workplace learning policy and support Curriculum resources

23 PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW WWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.A U Thinking about the future…

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