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The Interaction of Spirantization and s-Aspiration in Andalusian Spanish Joaquín Romero Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

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Presentation on theme: "The Interaction of Spirantization and s-Aspiration in Andalusian Spanish Joaquín Romero Universitat Rovira i Virgili."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Interaction of Spirantization and s-Aspiration in Andalusian Spanish Joaquín Romero Universitat Rovira i Virgili

2 purpose study the relevance of the temporal dimension in the interaction of spirantization s-aspiration in Western Andalusian aerodynamic (airflow) data perceptual data

3 background spirantization s-aspiration /b/ /d/ /g/ [B¢] [D¢] [ƒ] ¢ /s//s/ /h//h/

4 background spirantization as gestural reduction variability constriction degree duration compare with casual English incomplete target achievement evidenced by gradation /b/ /d/ /g/ [b¢] [d¢] [g] ¢

5 background s-aspiration as gestural reduction and overlap variability gradation /st/ [tH] /sm/ [m˘] /sb/ [B][B] /s#/ [h][h] 'usted' 'asma' 'desvía' 'las olas' [u»tHe] [»am˘a] [de»Bia] [lah »ola]

6 background spirantization and s-aspiration in Western Andalusian Romero 95 minimal distinction /sb/ [B][B] 'desvía' [de»Bia] /b//b/ [b4] 'debía' [de»b4ia] no difference in constriction degree main difference in duration

7 current study further investigate the nature of the interaction between spirantization and s- aspiration in Western Andalusian both processes are non-categorical spirantization (deocclusivization) as a result of gestural reduction s-aspiration (assimilation) as a result of gestural reduction and overlap role of the temporal dimension

8 current study 3 types of data acoustics aerodynamics perception duration of VCV oral airflow during target C auditory discrimination between C and sC

9 design acoustics / aerodynamics 2 subjects Diga muchas veces /b/ /d/ /g/ [voiced stops] /sb/ /sd/ /sg/ [voiced frics] /p/ /t/ /k/ [voiceless stops] /s/ [voiceless fric] 2 rates: normal / slow 5 repetitions each pa__apa

10 design acoustics / aerodynamics duration of VCV: apa, aba, asba... Scicon oral airflow mask Macquirer oral airflow during constriction for C statistical analysis factorial ANOVA

11 design VCV airflow

12 design perception 20 subjects Diga muchas vecespa__apa /b/ /d/ /g/ [voiced stops] /sb/ /sd/ /sg/ [voiced frics] /p/ /t/ /k/ [voiceless stops] /s/ [voiceless fric]

13 design perception Diga pasgapa muchas veces ƒ /g//g/ sg – mean (g) 25% 50% 75% 100% =

14 design perception each token appeared twice total of 48 items

15 results VCV duration

16 results oral airflow during C

17 results perception labialdental

18 results perception velar

19 discussion acoustics temporal difference between single voiced stop and s+voiced stop temporal difference between stops and fricatives (independent of voice) rate difference

20 discussion airflow rate differences not significant overall but probably so for fricatives significant difference between spirantized stop and voiced fricatives spirantized stops lowest values

21 discussion perception correct differentiation between spirantized voiced stops and voiced fricatives very low identification rate, mostly velars perhaps problems with methodology segmentation manipulation

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