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生醫材料實驗室. 細胞培養室 3D 生物反應器 光學 / 螢光顯微鏡 冷房 膠原蛋白萃取 材料製備相關設備 烘箱 冷凍乾燥機 網印機.

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Presentation on theme: "生醫材料實驗室. 細胞培養室 3D 生物反應器 光學 / 螢光顯微鏡 冷房 膠原蛋白萃取 材料製備相關設備 烘箱 冷凍乾燥機 網印機."— Presentation transcript:

1 生醫材料實驗室

2 細胞培養室 3D 生物反應器 光學 / 螢光顯微鏡

3 冷房 膠原蛋白萃取

4 材料製備相關設備 烘箱 冷凍乾燥機 網印機

5 冷凍切片機 超高速離心機 Cytospin 高速離心機


7 流式細胞儀 Image Lab™

8 年度補助類別計畫名稱 102 專題研究計畫 ( 產學合作研究計 畫 - 應用型 ) 憂鬱症尿液試片之可行性評估與開發 101 專題研究計畫 ( 一般型研究計畫 ) 奈米構形膠原蛋白結合 Nicotinamide 及 Exendin-4 誘導間質幹細胞 成胰島素分泌細胞之研究 -II 102-2221-E-214-008- 101 專題研究計畫 ( 產學合作研究計 畫 - 應用型 ) 三仙膠 / 結冷膠薄膜應用於肌腱術後抗沾黏之評估 101-2622-E-214-006-CC3 100 專題研究計畫 ( 一般型研究計畫 ) 以新穎團藻微粒 (Volvoxsphere) 誘導幹細胞分化暨應用於肝組織工 程之研究 101-2221-E-214-007-MY3 100 專題研究計畫 ( 一般型研究計畫 ) 奈米構形膠原蛋白結合 Nicotinamide 及 Exendin-4 誘導間質幹細胞 成胰島素分泌細胞之研究 101-2221-E-214-008- 100 專題研究計畫 ( 產學合作研究計 畫 - 應用型 ) 退化性關節炎檢測試片 / 試管研發與試製

9 學術期刊論文 1.Pei-Leun Kang, Chih-Hao Chen, Shu Ying Chen, Yi-Jhen Wu, Chia Yun Lin, Feng-Huei Lin, Shyh Ming Kuo, "Nano-sized collagen I molecules enhanced the differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells into cardiomyocytes", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, vol. 101A, pp. 2808-2816, 2013.10 2.Qian Sun, Benjamin Teong, I-Fen Chen, Shwu Jen Chang, Jimin Gao, Shyh-Ming Kuo, "Enhanced apoptotic effects of dihydroartemisinin-aggregated gelatin and hyaluronan nanoparticles on human lung cancer cells", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, vol. *, no. *, pp. *, 2013.09 3.Benjamin Teong, Shwu Jen Chang, Chin Wen Chuang, Shyh Ming Kuo, Ioannis Manousakas, "The Production of Volvoxspheres and their Potential Application in Multi-drugs", Materials Science & Engineering C, vol. **, no. **, pp. **, 2013.08 4.HUANG Zhong Fa, CHANG Shwu Jen, LAN Cheng Wen, WU Kun Lieh, CHEN Shu Ying, LIN Yi Wen, KUO Shyh Ming, "Removal of Endotoxin from Collagen Solution by Lectin grafted Silica Beads", CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 41, no. **, pp. **, 2013.08 5.Yu Chiuan Wu, Shyh Ming Kuo, Shwu Jen Chang, Lain-Chyr Hwang, Po-3 Chou Chen, "Preliminary Evaluation of a Dental Plug using Chitosan Material", Journal of Medical and Biolgical Engineering, 2013.06 6.Shwu-Jen Chang, Shyh-Ming Kuo, Jhen-Lin You, Ya-Rong Wu, Shu-Ying Chen, Ming-Wei Lee, "Physical and biological effects of gellan gum on decreasing postoperative adhesion in a rat model", Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 178–187, 2013.03 7.Shyh Ming Kuo, Ming Yu Chiang, Cheng Wen Lan, Gregory Cheng-Chie Niu, Shwu Jen Chang, "Evaluation of nanoarchitectured collagen type II molecules on cartilage engineering", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, vol. 101A, no. 2, pp. 368–377, 2013.02

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