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Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Modelos de síntesis, modelos de atmósferas e isocronas en el VO Miguel Cerviño (IAA-CSIC/SVO) + LAEFF-INTA/SVO +INAOE.

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Presentation on theme: "Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Modelos de síntesis, modelos de atmósferas e isocronas en el VO Miguel Cerviño (IAA-CSIC/SVO) + LAEFF-INTA/SVO +INAOE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Modelos de síntesis, modelos de atmósferas e isocronas en el VO Miguel Cerviño (IAA-CSIC/SVO) + LAEFF-INTA/SVO +INAOE VO/MVO

2 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Databases, Interoperability and Science But: 1.- Where are databases of theoretical models? 2.- How to describe a theoretical model? Observational data bases, OK Observed data Theoretical data Analysis tools & Science

3 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Working groups ---> Community

4 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Synthesis models in the VO context ( +

5 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Synthesis models in the VO context (

6 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Data Model --> semantics Define what its a synthesis model (unique definition):  Input Parameters: 1. Atmosphere models (from VOTable: SEDs, magnitudes...) Metallicity, resolution.... 2. Evolutionary tracks (from VOTable still without data model) Metallicity, age 3. Stellar birth-rate (IMF + SFH + Number stars formed) still without UCD  Outputs: 1. SED (VOTable) + model dispersion: Error model not implemented in VO 2. Tables of colors.... 3. Chemical evolution (still without UCD....)

7 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Data Access Layer -->Applications Define the parameter domain of models: Observational Data: COOSYS, a simple search can be done: Name, RA, DEC In theoretical data the parameter space is not know a priori TSAP (theoretical spectral access protocol) --> Theory WG 1st query: What is the paremeter space; RESULT: VOTable that can be transformed in a from. http://localhost/script?format=metadata 2nd query: What region of the parameter space you want? VOTable with catalog of VOTables! http://localhost/script?par1_max=...+parn_min=... 3rd query: What is the individual model you want? VOTable with specific data Only few applications can use TSAP (VOSpec) It is needed generalize TSAP and/or build JAVA tools for metadata access Teoria en el VO C. Rodrigo et al. SVO meeting Abril 2006

8 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Summary (I) Synthesis models in the VO means  Atmosphere catalogs  Tracks/Isochrone catalogs  Synthesis model repository? Or on-the-fly models?  TSAP developement  Applications including TSAP  UCD+DataModel of theoretical data

9 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Access to models VOSpec  PEGASE server using TSAP  PGos3 server using TSAP Grupo de ciencia de observatorios virtuales del INAOE   PGos3 ( INAOE, IA-UNAM, IAA/SVO LAEFF/SVO (Spain) CEA applications - AstroGrid

10 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 VOSpec Web.... M. Guinazzi et al. IAU Praga 2006

11 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 PGos3 (p.i. Elena Terlevich & Miguel Cerviño) What is PGos3?  Cooperative tool  Repository of theoretical SSPs same format (Votables) Same tools “democratic” choices (sb99, pegase, sed@....) Why?  Fitting (IA, standard chi-2 fit, grid...)  Analisys Cathedral: (P.I.: Roberto Terlevich, Aurelio López)

12 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 PGos3 current/future jobs... StarLight analisys... (www + pdf) Analisys of VO data!  Colors? (spectra VOTable + Filter VOTable)  Rebbinig?... Test for Theoretical access protocols in IVOA  “Small” applications for IVOA

13 Miguel CerviñoLAEFF 27 Nov. 2006 Conclusions  Several servers ready  Data models can be obtained for SEDs only  There is no data model for tables with other pourposes: t-colors, isocrhones, chemical evolution.... Data models are science!  General access protocol needed ( Carlos Rodrigo ;)  Error treatment  Inclusion of SSP models (including probabilistic distributions) e.j. Cerviño, Luridiana, Cerviño-Luridiana 2006, A&A 451, 475

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