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Section 1.1 Growing and Changing

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1 Section 1.1 Growing and Changing
Section 1.2 The Balancing Act

2 Section 1.1 Growing and Changing
Many intellectual, physical, and emotional changes take place during adolescence. Learning to set and meet goals is an important step on the road to maturity.

3 adolescence puberty hormone personality heredity self-esteem potential priority resource goal enhance insight

4 Understand Changes in Your Life
During adolescence, there are more changes than during any other time in your life. adolescence The stage of growth between childhood and adulthood.

5 Understand Changes in Your Life
Hormones cause physical changes in your body during puberty. hormone A chemical substance in the body that helps stimulate body changes and the development of the reproductive system. puberty The set of changes that result in a physically mature body that is able to reproduce.

6 Understand Changes in Your Life
Adolescence brings about great emotional, social, and intellectual changes. As a teen, you start to make more decisions that deal with issues of right and wrong behavior. Discuss the types of decisions you are faced with that others made for you when you were younger.

7 Appreciate Who You Are Discover your own personality, heritage, environment, self-concept, and confidence. personality The combination of feelings, traits, attitudes, and habits that you show others. environment Everything around you, including people, places, things, and events.

8 Appreciate Who You Are Who you are is shaped by your heredity and your environment. heredity The characteristics passed from parents to children also influence your personality.

9 Appreciate Who You Are Your self-concept is the picture you have of yourself. To boost your confidence, talk positively to yourself, focus on your strengths, seek support, and address your weaknesses.

10 Discover Your Potential
Every past success helps you understand what you are capable of achieving.

11 Discover Your Potential
Maximize your potential by setting priorities, considering your interests, developing supportive friendships, and being health-smart. potential The possibility of becoming more than they are right now.

12 Discover Your Potential
Make the most of your resources. resource Anything you use to help accomplish something.

13 The Importance of Goals
Setting positive and realistic goals is essential to reaching your potential. Goals can be fixed or flexible and short-term or long-term. goal Something you plan to do, be, or obtain.

14 Set Goals Be specific. Give yourself a clear target that you can achieve and be proud of. Look at the big picture. Consider the other people and activities in your life.

15 Be realistic. Draw the line between dreams and reality.
Compare the needed and available resources.

16 Expect potential problems
Expect potential problems. Plan positive creative ways to deal with them. Stay active with your goal. Do something everyday to achieve your goal.

17 Move Toward Maturity Maturity means reaching full development physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually, and morally. People do not mature at the same rate. You show maturity and make a difference when you help others.

18 Section 1.2 The Balancing Act
Maintaining a balanced life means carefully planning how to use your time and energy. Learning to manage stress will help keep your life in balance.

19 obligation work simplification stress designate immerse

20 Balancing Your Life Achieving a balanced life requires making wise use of your time and energy. An unbalanced life can result in negative feelings, fatigue, disturbed sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. A management plan is useful in achieving balance in your life and involves identifying what is important, prioritizing, and planning.

21 Manage Your Resources to Maintain Balance
You need to find time and energy to maintain balance. Manage your time by finishing your obligations before doing anything else. obligation Something you must do, such as a homework assignment, household chores, or after-school activity.

22 Manage Your Resources to Maintain Balance
Take time to focus on learning and schoolwork. Create a to-do list, and prioritize the items on this list before scheduling these tasks in a planner.

23 Manage Your Resources to Maintain Balance
Be sure to schedule time for your family, friends, and activities. Learn to manage your energy by simplifying your work, analyzing each job, and organizing your workspace. Discuss how the things that are important to you will help you become who you want to be.

24 Manage Your Resources to Maintain Balance
Managing your possessions helps achieve balance and organization.

25 Manage Your Resources to Maintain Balance
To manage your stress, identify the cause, take the appropriate action, or change your perspective. Get support, if necessary. stress Mental, emotional, or physical strain.

26 Chapter Summary Section 1.1 Growth and Changing
Adolescence is a time of many changes that affect the way you think and feel about yourself. Your experiences in life shape your self-concept and self-esteem. Your heredity and environment help create your personality. Your potential and resources can help you achieve your dreams. Goals help you focus on what you want and the steps needed to reach your dream. People grow and mature at different rates over a lifetime.

27 Chapter Summary Section 1.2 The Balancing Act
Balance involves making wise use of your time and energy. By making the most of your time, you can accomplish most tasks yet maintain a balanced life. Work simplification is a very important part of energy management. People who manage their belongings effectively have more time and energy to concentrate on other activities. Stress varies with each situation. Some stress goes away after an event ends. Other stress is continuous and must be managed.

28 Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter
Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.

29 adolescence adolescencia
The stage of growth between childhood and adulthood. La etapa del crecimiento entre la infancia y la edad adulta.

30 puberty pubertad The set of changes that result in a physically mature body that is able to reproduce. El conjunto de cambios que resultan en un cuerpo físicamente maduro que tiene capacidad de reproducción.

31 hormone hormona A chemical substance in the body that helps stimulate body changes and the development of the reproductive system. Una sustancia química en el cuerpo que ayuda a estimular los cambios del cuerpo y el desarrollo del sistema reproductivo.

32 personality personalidad
The combination of feelings, traits, attitudes, and habits that you show others. La combinación de sentimientos, rasgos, actitudes y hábitos que le muestras a los demás.

33 heredity herencia The characteristics passed from parents to children also influence your personality. Las características que pasan de los padres a los hijos, también influencian tu personalidad.

34 environment ambiente Everything around you, including people, places, things, and events. Todo lo que nos rodea, incluyendo la gente, lugares, cosas y eventos.

35 self-esteem autoestima
The confidence you feel about yourself. La confianza que siente en ti mismo.

36 potential potencial The possibility of becoming more than they are right now. La posibilidad de que algo se vuelva más de lo es ahora.

37 priority prioridad Something that is important to you.
Algo que es importante para ti.

38 resource recurso Anything you use to help accomplish something.
Cualquier cosa que usas para lograr algo.

39 goal meta Something you plan to do, be, or obtain.
Algo que planeas hacer u obtener.

40 obligation obligación
Something you must do, such as a homework assignment, household chores, or after-school activity. Algo que debes hacer como una tarea, quehaceres del hogar o actividades extracurriculares.

41 work simplification simplificación del trabajo
The easiest and quickest way to do a job well. La manera más fácil y rápida de realizar bien un trabajo.

42 stress estrés Mental, emotional, or physical strain.
Agotamiento mental, emocional o físico.

43 enhance realzar Improve. Mejorar.

44 insight perspicacia The power to understand the inner nature of things. El poder de entender la naturaleza de las cosas.

45 designate designar Select. Seleccionar.

46 immerse sumergir Plunge into something completely.
Entregarse completamente a algo.

47 Learning About Yourself
End of Chapter 1 Learning About Yourself

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