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How to make an Effective Print Ad Flyers. How long does someone look at a flyer for??

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Presentation on theme: "How to make an Effective Print Ad Flyers. How long does someone look at a flyer for??"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make an Effective Print Ad Flyers

2 How long does someone look at a flyer for??

3 Two second rule On average, people look at a print ad for no more than two seconds Your ads have to become two-second hookers.

4 It takes something special to make your ad cut throughto stop people scanning and pay attention. High impact visuals are often the key.






10 What Makes a Successful Print Ad? Ads with large photos or illustrations of merchandise get higher readership than ads with small illustrations or no art. Readers want to see the merchandise - compare it with similar merchandise - want to recognize it in a store

11 Make your photograph or illustration at least half your ad whenever possible. Most people skim ads in a sort of reversed "S". Start at the left top margin, and work down to the right bottom margin. High impact areas different in various languages

12 Avoid headlines set in all capital letters. Why?

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