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Jonathan Ghysels.  Parenting through the world differs just as religion, tradition, ethics and diet does  Just as parts of India differ in language.

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Presentation on theme: "Jonathan Ghysels.  Parenting through the world differs just as religion, tradition, ethics and diet does  Just as parts of India differ in language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonathan Ghysels

2  Parenting through the world differs just as religion, tradition, ethics and diet does  Just as parts of India differ in language and religion, so do the principles communicated to children Ex: Hindu children taught to control instinctual impulses

3  Exploration on parenting styles emerged around 1950  Differences explored to highlight parental tech. Ex: In which countries is swaddling common?  Inferences based in Freudian and Fundamentalism

4  Focus on Individualism Ex: Personal creativity, boosting self-esteem  Value in Autonomy  Primary concerns start with infant’s sleeping  Liberal use of “time outs” and discipline

5  Pressure for Older Siblings to Oversee Younger  “Time outs” of Discipline used Conservatively  Collectivism Valued  Emphasize respecting elders and assuming positions of responsibility


7  US Parents Adopt Styles Similar to their Background  African American Parents Expect Greater from children  E. African Nuer parents stress egalitarianism, while neighboring Gusii parents are authoritarian

8  Women raised to be Breadwinners  Somali children taught to reason rather than assert  Observation and Imitation  Continual practice of life skills  Parents in North African areas tend to comfort crying infants in 1/6 the time than American Parents

9  56% more Anglo-American parents find importance in finding self vs. Asian-American parents  Indians living in Asia and Anglo-Americans have strikingly similar concepts of child development  Child’s diet far more important in W. Europe, Child’s sleep more important in the US

10  Parenting’s reasoning in context of cultural values  Parenting is far more grouped regionally than by country  The nation’s work ethic and views on success largely illustrate what parents emphasize

11  Sebuliba, Dorothy N. "Cultural Aspects of Assessing and Enhancing Parenting." Cultural Aspects of Assessing and Enhancing Parenting. 18 Feb. 2000. Web. 21 May 2012..  Wise, Sarah, and Lisa Silva. "Differential Parenting of Children from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds Attending Child Care." Australian Institute of Family Studies. Apr. 2007. Web. 21 May 2012. . Cody, Paul. "Parenting Babies in Different Cultures." Parenting Babies in Different Cultures. Cornell University, 22 Jan. 1998. Web. 21 May 2012..

12  Individualism and Collectivism Domains Assessed in Individualism--Collectivism Scales. Digital image. Web. 22 May 2012..  American Flag. Digital image. Web..  Flag of China. Digital image. Web. 22 May 2012..

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