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Charismatic and Transformational Leadership

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1 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
Chapter 12 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

2 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Understand how the theories of charismatic and transformational leadership differ from earlier leadership theories. Understand similarities and differences among the major theories of charismatic and transformational leadership. Understand how attributions of charisma are jointly determined by the leader, the followers, and the situation. Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

3 Learning Objectives (Cont.)
Understand what traits, behaviors, and influence processes are involved in charismatic and transformational leadership. Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization. Understand how to apply the theories to become more effective as a leader. Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

4 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objective 1 Understand how the theories of charismatic and transformational leadership differ from earlier leadership theories Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

5 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Charismatic and Transformational Leadership theories differ from earlier theories Emotional and symbolic aspects of leadership Follower perceptions of leader qualities Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

6 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objective 2 • Understand similarities and differences among the major theories of charismatic and transformational leadership Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

7 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Charismatic Theories Charisma Max Weber – Divinely inspired gift Social crisis Radical vision offering a solution Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

8 Transformational Theories
Transforming Leadership Political leadership Appeals to followers’ moral values, raises consciousness and mobilizes energies Contrasts with transactional leadership which appeals to followers’ self-interest and exchange Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

9 Transformation and Charismatic: Compare and Contrast
One of the most important issues for leadership scholars is the extent to which transformational leadership and charismatic leadership are similar and compatible. Some theorists treat the two types of leadership as essentially equivalent, whereas other theorists view them as distinct but overlapping processes. Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

10 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objective 3 Understand how attributions of charisma are jointly determined by the leader, the followers, and the situation Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

11 Attributions of Charisma
Follower attributions of charisma depends on leader behavior Novel and appealing vision Emotional appeal to values Unconventional behavior Self-sacrifices Confidence and optimism Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

12 Attributions of Charisma (Cont.)
Follower attributions of charisma depends on aspects of the situation Follower anxiety Follow disenchantment Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

13 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objective 4 Understand what traits, behaviors, and influence processes are involved in charismatic and transformational leadership Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

14 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Charismatic Theories Attribution theory Behaviors? Influence processes? Facilitating conditions? Self –concept theory Traits & behaviors? Influence processes? Facilitating conditions? Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

15 Transformational Behaviors
Original Theory Behaviors Revised Theories’ Behaviors Inspirational motivation Idealized influence behavior Idealized influence attributions Idealized influence Intellectual stimulation Individualized consideration Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

16 Transactional Behaviors
Original Theory Behaviors Revised Theories’ behaviors Contingence reward Passive management by exception Active management by exception Laissez-faire Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

17 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objective 5 Understand the benefits and costs of charismatic leadership for followers and the organization Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

18 Negative Charismatics
Personalized power orientation Instill devotion to themselves Use ideological appeals to gain power Seek to dominate and subjugate Centralize authority Use punishment and rewards to manipulate Restrict information Self-glorifying decisions Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

19 Organizational Effects of Negative Charismatics
Risky decisions can result in serious failures Make more determined enemies Excessive optimism blinds the leader to strategic flaws Close identification with vision undermines objective evaluation Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

20 Organizational Effects of Negative Charismatics (Cont.)
Judgment may not be questioned Reject evidence of an unrealistic vision Followers can be inhibited from suggesting improvements Alienate or polarize people Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

21 Positive Charismatics
Socialized power orientation Instill devotion to ideology Emphasize internalization Self-sacrifice Lead by example Delegate authority Shared information Participative decision-making Rewards used to reinforce Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

22 Organizational Effects of Positive Charismatics
Follower growth and development Environmental adaptation Achievement-oriented culture High-performing system Clearly understood mission Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

23 Organizational Effects of Positive Charismatics (Cont.)
Mission embodies social values Empowerment Open communication Shared information Structures and systems support mission Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

24 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Learning Objective 6 Understand how to apply the theories to become more effective as a leader Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

25 Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations
Research Survey studies Laboratory and field experiments Comparative biographical studies Intensive case studies Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

26 Guidelines for Leaders
Articulate a clear and appealing vision Explain how vision can be attained Act confident and optimistic Express confidence in followers Use symbolic actions to emphasize values Lead by example Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership in Organizations

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