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Heppner et al. Chap 12, 18 Hogg & Deffenbacher (1988)

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Presentation on theme: "Heppner et al. Chap 12, 18 Hogg & Deffenbacher (1988)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heppner et al. Chap 12, 18 Hogg & Deffenbacher (1988)

2  Design  Independent Variables  Dependent Variables

3  Design ◦ Pre-test/post-test; experimental  Independent Variables: Categorical ◦ Group IP Treatment ◦ Group Cognitive Behavioral Trtmnt. ◦ Control Group

4  Dependent Variables- Continuous ◦ BDI Depression ◦ MMPI-D Depression ◦ ATQ Automatic Thghts. ◦ Coopersmith SEI Self Esteem  Therapist Assessment of Client Behavior: ◦ one item assessment of: depression, coping, anxiety, motivation to change, group participation

5 1. Treatment Package Strategy 2. Dismantling Strategy 3. Constructive Strategy 4. Parametric Strategy (structural components) 5. Comparative Outcome Strategy 6. Client and Therapist Variation Strategy Moderation Designs

6 1. Treatment Package Strategy 2. Dismantling Strategy 3. Constructive Strategy 4. Parametric Strategy (structural components) 5. Comparative Outcome Strategy 6. Client and Therapist Variation Strategy ( Moderation Designs )

7  No – treatment  Placebo ??  Matched

8  Inclusion Criteria ◦ Cng Center Clients ◦ BDI>14  Exclusion Criteria ◦ Co-morbidity ◦ Suicidal lethality ◦ In therapy ◦ Drug abuse/depend.  Internal Validity ◦ Key issue  External Validity o Key issue

9  Specificity of Treatment  Therapist Training  Fidelity Checks

10  Treatment Specificity ◦ CBT: emotional transactions ◦ IPT : CB techniques for daily life  Therapist Training ◦ Crossed by sex and theoretical orientation ◦ Weekly supervision; rating tapes on fidelity  Fidelity Checks: ◦ End of treatment blind raters, and ◦ Client Evaluation of Treatment

11 Main Effects Between Groups Within Groups Treatments: 1.IPT 2.Cog Beh 3.Control Trial (Time) 1.Pre-Test BDI 2.Post Test BDI Interaction: Treatment x Trial


13 BDI Pre- Treatment Post- treatment Overall Means Cognitive21.69 9.85Mean C IPT19.71 9.43Mean IPT Control21.0014.30Mean Control

14 BDI Pre- Treatment Post- treatment Overall Means Cognitive21.69 9.85 IPT19.71 9.43 Control21.0014.30 Mean Pre- Treatment Mean Post- Treatment

15 BDI Pre- Treatment Post- Treatment Overall Means Cognitive21.69 9.85 IPT19.71 9.43 Control21.0014.30

16 a) Do clients who receive CBT, or IPT or no treatment show lower (or higher) BDI post-test scores than pre-test BDI scores? Trial Effect – Repeated Measures a) Do clients who receive CBT show lower BDI scores at the end of the 8 weeks than clients who receive IPT or than clients who do not receive any treatment? (regardless of Time) Treatment Effect- Repeated Measures

17 c) In which of the three experimental groups clients showed change in depression following treatment? Treatment x Trial Interaction – Repeated Measures d) In which of the three experimental groups clients showed lower levels of depression at the end of treatment? Treatment Effect/Reg ANOVA

18  Greater early change in ◦ IPT: Self-esteem ◦ CBT: Automatic thoughts


20 TIME*TREATMENT INTERACTION treatment placebo Here the effect of time is NOT the same for both groups. Thus we say that there is TIME and TREATMENT interaction. TIME (months) 2 4 68 10 1212 Cholesterol Level (mg/dl) 0

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